Chapter 5 - The Aftermath

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I felt so bad for Leah, Ellie seriously should have hit me harder. It was like I was in a trance until her cold clenched fist connecred with my jaw. Then the realisation hit me, Leah. I threw up again, but not because I felt ill anymore, but because she had little confidence left anyway, and I had just embarrassed her in front of the whole school due to social media sites.

Why did I make things harder for myself? I was about to make things right, but now he probably hates me more than before! Seriously, how do you apologise for something like that? Is there a card shop that sells 'sorry I puked on you' cards? Flowers aren't really appropriate, and I can't buy a box of chocolates or anything. I know I need to apologise now more than ever, but how is the problem. How do you express apology through words that leave your mind the second you look at her.

I need to find her. Explain. But there's no way she'll listen to me after that ordeal! There has to be some way I can sit her down and make her see things my way, ask her why he ignored me all summer. Ask her why she told me he thought she was falling in love, and them left me all alone with my thoughts of what might have been.


"The smell is making my eyes water," Sophie complained, scrunching her nose.

I had to admit the smell was pretty vile though.

"Seriously, Sophie, I've thrown one punch today, and I won't hesitate to throw another. If you don't like the smell, get the hell out of the girls toilets".

I grinned even though I was cross, disgusted and upset right now. Ellie was holding up her end of the bargain! At least one of us was growing a back bone.

Sophie and her posse marched out of the room, their small heels clicking as they walked.

Grabbing a paper towel, I stood by the sinks in front of the mirrors. My brown hair even though tied back in a ponytail still appeared untamed, like a bush that had been allowed to grow freely without any pruning. Small chunks of Dan's dinner were present on the bottom of my hair and on my school jumper. I looked such a mess today, it hadn't helped that I'd spent so much of the night tossing and turning either!

Ellie turned on the tap, took the paper towel off my still reflection, and ran it under the warm water. She then began to clean my jumper. I filled a sink that had the least amount of paint and toilet roll in it, and began to wash the sick out of the ends of my hair, before drying it under the hairdryer. Finally, I put it in a big bun on top of my hair.

"Let's go," Ellie suggested, "you can't get too pretty now!"

I laughed off her comment and dragged her out the toilet door. Straight in to Dan.

"I'm sorry" he muttered.

"Whatever". I dismissed the conversation, he was the last person I wanted to speak to.

"Not just about walking in to you..." he hesitated, trying to string together the words he wanted to say. That face was forever etched in my brain.

"Like I said, whatever" I interrupted, I was done with his apologies. Done.

I barged passed, dragging Ellie behind me like a child.

"What was that about?" she enquired, shouting over the noise of the corridor

"I'm done with Dan Lewis! It's finished, so why can't he leave me alone! Just because he's back in school doesn't mean he can get me back. Because he can't, he's made way too many mistakes. I'm done, done with forgiving him, with liking him, with loving him. I'm done with being done."

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