Chapter 7 - Cigarettes and Vodka

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The fact that Dan had disappeared magically overnight was quite the talk of my music class, and pretty much every other class in the whole school too. Despite the fact that I no longer had to worry about bumping into him in the corridors, I still felt his absence quite evidently.

As I turned the corner I saw Cai walking down the corridor. Swiftly,

I turned on my heels and headed back in the same direction I had just come from. However Cai followed me, dodging in between people in attempt to catch up to me. He grabbed my arm rather aggressively and spun me around to face him.

"I don't know what you're playing at," he spat, "but stop it now! You're screwing with Dan's head and you need to stop".

I was surprised by his sudden outburst to say the least, but retaliated, remembering my promise.

"The day Dan Lewis stays away from me will be the best day ever" I laughed "Seriously, stay away from me and I will gladly keep away from you".

Cai laughed, and I knew it was because of my new found confidence.

"Listen Leah, it's not funny. Stay the hell away from Dan. You can see how you're affecting him. He's away enough with his career, and we don't need you chasing him away more".

I didn't even reply to Cai, I couldn't. Surely Dan wouldn't have moved away because of me? How could he hate me that much. He'd apologised. I didn't understand Dan Lewis one bit. How could he give out so many mixed signals and then move away.

I could smell sick again. This time it was mine. Before I knew it, I was sitting in the office waiting for my mum to pick me up.

"There must be a bug going around," the secretary said in attempt to cheer me up, "there was another sent home yesterday as well". She mean't Dan of course.

"You go home and rest, take tomorrow off too".


I rose from the sofa with a grunt. I was not in the mood for Ben's questions. I walked through the kitchen, and into the garden, taking a seat on the grass. I pulled the grass apart strand by strand, plucking them from their roots and casting them aside. That's what Leah had done to me. Yet the grass felt no pain, and I felt pure torture.

Ben joined me, and sat on the grass muttering something about it being wet. I couldn't care less, I was numb inside. He dug deep in his pocket, and removed a cigarette lighter, passing it to me.

"I don't have any on me, I stopped. Leah didn't like it" I explained.

"Screw Leah" he said, passing me a cigarette.

I lit it, and inhaled deeply. I felt the smoke fill my lungs and the familiarity was comforting. This was my life before Leah, and for that moment I could even pretend that I lived a life without her.

I heard a noise behind me; it was Ben. In his hand he held two glasses and a bottle of vodka. I hadn't even noticed he'd gone. I put out the cigarette and gladly welcomed the burn of vodka as it ripped apart my throat.

After a few glasses I couldn't even feel it. Before I knew it, my phone was out and I was calling Leah. There was no answer, and after ringing several times only to receive the automatic answer phone I gave up.

It was getting dark now, Leah would be home from school. I wondered whether she was missing seeing me just as much as I missed her. Then again, she looked disgustedly at me every time she saw me. Definitely not. Ben handed me another shot of vodka.

I carried on scrolling down and came across Sophie's number. I didn't hesitate, it was the vodka acting now.

Sophie's chirpy voice answered on the 3rd ring. "Hello? Dan?"

"I'm drunk," I chuckled.

"Dan, where are you?"

"Where are you? Shouldn't you be in lesson now?" I retorted. I was being purposely awkward. I wanted her to be as angry as me.

"I should, but I'm a bad girl" her attempt to flirt annoyed me, but I played along with her game.

"Well it's a good job I'm a bad boy then!" I winked, even though she couldn't see me.

"Where are you? I think we should meet up like last week..." She dragged out her last sentence, enticing me.

Ben wobbled round the corner, demanding I give him my phone. I insisted that it was only Sophie, and then, she hung up.


I was in bed when Dan rang. His name popped onto the screen. Maybe it was important. It didn't matter, my heart couldn't manage a phone call. I rolled over, and didn't breather until my phone stopped vibrating. I didn't realise I'd held my breath until it stopped.

3 calls later and he gave up. He gave up on me again. But finally, I was giving up on him.

Sorry it's short, and that I haven't updated in a while....I've had 5 GCSE's to prepare for! I have 3 in the next fortnight! There will be slow updates, but at least they're updates right?

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