Chapter 3 - Longing

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As the bell rang out on the speaker throughout the school, Cai barged past me, knocking all my books on the floor.

"What an idiot" I muttered under my breath.

Cai turned on his heel, and raised his voice well above the volume of mine.

"What did you say?"

I was just about to cower away from his challenge, but then I remembered my promise to Ellie.

"I said that you are a first class idiot"

The shock on his face was priceless, and he was left utterly speechless, turning with such speed that my books on the floor ruffled with the sudden gust of wind.

I smiled to myself, Ellie would be proud. I was on my way to tell her, and ran down the first flight of stairs to meet her when I saw Dan. He stopped me in my tracks.

I had the same effect on him, he walked out of class laughing with some member of the wolf pack until he noticed me staring. Anyone could clearly see the smile dropping off of his face as we made eye contact. He looked away, and I felt my gut cry out in pain at the loss I was experiencing yet again. I couldn't look at him any longer, so I ran down the next flight of stairs to look for Ellie.


I stumbled out of my class, laughing so much at Scott that I was doubled over and could only see my feet. Once I'd recovered, and was standing straight, I noticed someone watching me, her.

Her dark hair flowed down past her shoulders, which framed her small facial features perfectly, but the scowl on her face stole my smile immediately.

Why did she hate me so much? What did I do? It was too painful, so I had to prise my eyes away from her. The look of pain on her face was still clear in my memory, and it reopened my wound so easily I felt sick. I thought I was truly over her? I thought that being with Louise would finally get me over her, but I guess it's true what they say, you never get over your first love.


As I lay on my bed strumming along my phone rang.

"I dedicate this song to you,

The one who never sees the truth,

That I could take away your hurt, heartbreak girl...."

I dropped my guitar to the floor, and flung myself to my phone that was charging across the other side of the room. I knew it was Leah because of the ringtone I set for her, 5sos, her favourite.

"Hello" I tried an failed miserably to act casually.

"Dan," she whimpered, I knew instantly something was wrong. Leah never cried!

"What's wrong Le? Tell me!"

I could hear her short breaths down the phone, and my heart broke at the sound of her so upset.

"It's James," she replied sorrowfully, "he's been cheating on me!"

A ragged sob echoed down the phone line.


How could someone like James not realise what he had? Leah was perfect, she was more than enough, so why would he threaten what he had for a fling?

"I'll be right over".

I ran downstairs, grabbing a box of chocolates and my coat...these were necessary to make it to Leah's and out again alive.

I ran through the busy streets of Bridgend, until I reached her door. I didn't bother knocking, her parents knew me so well anyway.

I hurled myself up the steps to her bedroom, where she lay, crumpled in a ball on her floor.

"Dan?" she looked up, her red inflated eyes tearing my heart into a hundred pieces.

I knew Leah too well, she was obviously not fit for a conversation, so I got down on the floor, and cradled her in my arms.

Her head slotted in between my shoulder perfectly, giving me yet another reason why we'd be great together. I couldn't wreck what we had though, never. She was worth more to me now than she could ever mean to anyone, and I couldn't jeopardise that with my feelings that couldn't be returned.

I felt her exhale into my shoulder, and the weight ease off of her chest. I could feel the trust she had bestowed in me radiating off of her, and I knew that she felt safe in my arms. Surely she felt the buzz of warmth spreading through her?

I remembered why she was crying, and decided that it was best to keep my mouth shut. She was clearly in love with someone else, however unworthy he might be.

Eventually she stopped crying so heavily, so I helped her up, and led her to her bed, sitting beside her and engulfing her in my warmth again. She wrapped her arms around my back and I shivered. This was pure torture.

"I brought these," I offer, bringing out a box of Lindor Lindts from behind my back. Our favourites.

"You're the best," she said wiping her fresh tears and kissing my cheek. "Seriously,  what did I do to deserve a friend like you?"

I just hoped it was a rhetorical question, because all I could focus on was the hole burning into my cheek because of the kiss she had placed there. This felt so right, so why couldn't it be?

Finally,  we decided on a film, and before I knew it, all I could feel were her heavy, peaceful breaths on my neck. She looked so happy as she slept, and I just hoped she'd stay that way before waking up to the horrible memory that would haunt her, of her and James.

I tucked her in, and planted a single kiss on her forehead, treasuring the rare moment I had to sneak a kiss.I silently walked downstairs, careful not to disturb her slumber, said goodbye to a thankful Mr and Mrs Jones, before sliding out the door and hoping that she would have a peaceful sleep.

I hope this is long enough for you guys! Thanks for the support, it means a lot! Please continue to share the story with your friends, vote and comment any suggestions for the plot.

And, feel free to comment who your favourite is and why... :) you guys are awesome

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