Chapter 19: Choosing Names

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I waddle around the house trying to clean so I can entertain myself, I'm currently four and a half months along my pregnancy but I look like I'm five months along and just about ready to pop but no I'm no where near that far... Peeta has been really helpful, he cleans, drops off and picks up Taylor from school, does all the shopping and all the tasks I can't do due to my big belly, we've also decided that we want to know the genders this time around so that we can decorate the nursery and get what we need before they come plus we can choose their names so we're all organised and so all that we'll need to concentrate on is getting to the hospital when I'm in labor which feels so far but so close.

I sigh laying down on the soft couch in our TV room, I turn on Netflix and go on my account so I can continue to watch my favourite show.... Teen Wolf, Peeta doesn't like it but he's just jealous because of all the shirtless guys in it which I never complain about... I love it actually but of course to my husband it's 'unrealistic' although the men are extremely handsome I still think Peeta is the most handsome man with a great body, I'll choose him over any of those men

"I can't believe you actually like this stuff" Peeta says from the doorway

"Well I do and it's amazing" I defend making him chuckle

"Could you massage my feet? They've been hurting all day" I complain and in a flash he's lifting my legs up so he can sit down with my legs on his lap then he starts massaging my feet

"Mmm. That's so much better" I sigh

"Glad I can help" he chuckles

"Where's Taylor?" I ask

"She wanted to go over Catys house to play so she'll be back before dinner" he explains

"We should talk baby names" I say

"We should. I've thought of one for a boy and two for girls" he admits

"I've got a lot of names but I nailed them down to my favourites, tell me what you thought of" I reply

"Well for the boy I got Issac Joseph and for two girls I got Mia Sophia and Emily Harper" he lists

"Mia... I like that name" I smile, if ones a girl she'll definitely be called Mia

"Tell me what you had" he replies

"Well, I had Eli Carter and Samuel Cooper then for girls I got Olivia Charlotte, Sarah Marie and Melanie Rose" I list

"I love all those names, we can just wait till we find out the genders then we can choose from the names we picked" he instructs and I nod suddenly feeling tired.


It's currently 1:32 in the afternoon and Taylor, Peeta and I are on our way to the hospital, why? Because Annie has just had her baby two hours ago and we only got the call a few minutes ago, Finnick told us that they had a boy and they're naming him Mike Weston Odair, I can't wait to meet him, our godbaby! Taylor is also very excited because he was born a month before and she claims it's another present for her but a early present this time, I can't believe she's turning seven in a month! It's crazy how fast time has gone by, by next year she'll might not need her car seat anymore, it's quite heartbreaking when I think about it... our little girl growing up but it has to happen eventually.

I hold Taylor's hand as we walk to the elevator, going onto the third floor, that's where little Mike will be

"Will I be allowed to hold mike?" Taylor asks

"Of course you will but remember you'll have to be extremely careful. Daddy will help you hold him okay?" I explain and she nods

"Okay mommy. It can be practice when our babies get here" she says

"Exactly" I smile at her and she looks up at Peeta with a bright smile and he smiles back at her, when the doors open we look for room 332 and it's not long till we find it, I open the door and I see Annie holding a blue bundle of blankets

"Annie!" Taylor squeals climbing onto the bed, she looks at Mike and strokes his cheek with her finger

"Can I hold him?" She eagerly asks

"Sure you can, get dad to help you" Annie replies so Peeta puts her in a near by chair then he takes Mike from Annie's arms and walks over to where Taylor sits

"Now just let him rest on the crook of your arm okay?" He instructs and she nods, he puts Mikes head on the crook of her arm then let's him rest on her lap and slowly he backs away, this sight is just hearwhelming, many pictures were also taken with her holding him, me holding him and Peeta holding him

"He's just so adorable" I compliment as I rock him in my arms, Peeta, Taylor and Finnick have gone to get some lunch while I stay here with Annie

"I know. He looks like Finnick but just with orange hair" she giggles

"Was it a long labor?" I ask and she groans

"Too long but something good came out of it so I'm happy" she replies and I giggle looking down at Mike

"Probably because of your big head Mikey" I coo the baby as he sleeps

"I didn't know a baby's head could be so big..." Annie trails off and I laugh

"Not all babies have small heads Ann" I smile

"I know but he got Finnicks huge head" she replies

"Hey! That's not nice!" Finnick says walking in with MacDonalds, really? Why not Burger King? That's when my husband walks in with Burger King, what a legend...

"My god I love you so much" I reply giving Mike to Finnick so he can put him in his bed so that we can eat

"You know that I'll never forget" he smiles giving me my food

"You just wanna get laid Peet" Finnick scoffs

"Finnick! Taylor's here!" Annie tells him off

"Oops" he replies

"What's laid?" She asks

"Look what you've done you monster" I joke

"It's nothing sweety, he's just saying that daddy wants to lay down" I cover up

"Yeah but I didn't even want to before, Finnick" Peeta narrows his eyes at our friend

"Geez. I'm sorry" he says

"You better be. You won't talk like that around our son" Annie firmly states

"Wow, I'm feeling so attacked right now" Finnick jokes

"Well don't make fun of daddy Finny" Taylor replies making everyone laugh

"Thanks baby girl" Peeta chuckles kissing her cheek, our sweet little girl.

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