Caring in secret

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"Honestly guys, I don't know what to do with the pair of you?! I mean the arguing is one thing, but you've really over stepped the mark today Jamie..."  Cameron had been ranting on for the best part of 10 minutes now. Nobody else had even bothered to try and get a word in because when Cameron was on one there was no stopping him. 

I closed my eyes and rested my head against the window, worn out from the day's events and fed up of listening to my brother rant. The next thing I knew I was waking up in my bed. 

Sitting up, I noticed the curtain separating my half of the room to Jamie's was open and I could see him laid on his bed with his back to me, but I knew he was awake as I could see the light coming from his phone. It was strange for the curtain to be open, both Jamie and I hated sharing a room so it seemed strange to me that he would purposely leave it open. 

I glanced at my clock to see how long I'd been asleep for. 4am. Wow I really I must have been in a deep sleep. I wondered how I'd even got up here in my room as the last I knew I was in the car on the way back. Then, I realised someone had changed me into my pjs, I only hoped that it had been my auntie or I think I'd die of embarrassment! 

Jay must have heard me shuffling about as he sat up in his bed and looked over at me, -" are you okay Ava, is your head hurting? Do you need any more pain killers?"

"Other than a bit confused as to how I got here and why my pain in the arse brother is suddenly being so nice and caring, I'm fine. Thanks though." 

Jamie let our a little laugh at my reply, before putting his phone down and walking over to my bed where he sat at the end of it. Right now, I was definitely confused why did he care so much all of a sudden? 

"Are you okay Jamie? You're freaking me out a bit." 

"I just wanted to apologise that's all. I genuinely didn't mean to make you need stitches, I know how freaked out you get with blood so it was a really dick move of me and I now we argue and stuff all the time cos it's kind of our thing but I do love you. And if you tell anyone what I've just said and what I'm about to do I won't think twice about killing you," 

"Huh? What are you going to...

But before I could finish my sentence, I was cut off by Jamie throwing his arms round me and giving me a hug. After the initial shock, I hugged back. It was very rare for my brother to show this caring side so I wasn't going to miss out on the opportunity. Jamie got back up to go to his side of the room, but before he could go I grabbed his hand as he looked down at me confused. 

"Will you stay with me? My head kind of hurts so I don't think I'll get back to sleep and the company would be quite nice. Just this once though and then we'll go back to hating each other tomorrow. I promise." 

Jamie let out a laugh before insisting I moved over so he could fit on the bed. Laying side by side we chatted for a bit but before long we must have both fallen back asleep. 

The next time I woke up it was because I could hear whispered voices in my room, it took me a while to realise it was Jamie's arm slung around me and his chest I was snuggled up to as he was still fast asleep. Whoever was in the room clearly hasn't noticed I was awake. 

"Surely they won't get custody will they?" Cameron's voice was laced with worry. 

"I don't know sweetie but I'm sure as well putting up a fight for the three of them. You 4 are more my children than you ever will be theirs," auntie Jill sounded equally as worried. 

I tried desperately to control my breathing so not to alert them that I was awake, clearly this wasn't a conversation they planned on having with us so I needed to hear what they had to say, 

Cameron's hushed voice cracked and I'm pretty sure he was crying as he spoke, "I just can't lose them, I love them all so much, I can't let them go back. They were too young to remember especially the twins, but I do and I can't let it happen again!" 

"We will fight this sweetheart, I won't let them win," 

With that the two left the room and I finally let out a breath I hadn't even realised I was holding. The tears were flowing from my eyes and struggled to contain them. 

"Shh,it's going to be alright. " Jamie's voice comforted me as he rubbed my back, turns out he hadn't  been asleep either, " you heard all that too then?" 

We both continued to lay there silently worrying about what was going to happen to us.

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