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Standing outside his bedroom door, I could hear Ethan's frustrated sobs. After some time I decided to enter his room and find out what was bothering him so much. 

"Eth... is everything okay? You know you can tell me anything"

Upon hearing my voice Ethan turned to face me tears rolling down his face. Now I was really worried. My brothers never cry. Not wasting any more time I rushed over to him and wrapped my arm around him. 

"Please tell me what's up? I'm worried." 

Ethan pulled away from the hug and looked at me before replying, " I don't think I can Avs" 

"Please nothing can be worth being this upset about," 

"You're going to hate me. I hate me. Why am I like this??!" Ethan continued to ramble on for a bit but I could barely work out what he was going on about, but then he said it. It was so quiet  and mumbled if I'd not been really listening I probably would have missed it... "I think I'm gay." 

As soon as the words had left him mouth the tears started again. It broke my heart to see him so upset, "don't be so ridiculous Ethan, why would that make me hate you. It changes nothing, nothing at all. Now stop being mardy, you're not never gonna find a hot boyfriend when you look like this!" 

He finally cracked a smile. We talked it through a bit more and he made me swear not to all anyone else about this. For the record all my brothers can be complete idiots and totally insensitive at times but they are not homophobic so he has no reason to hide something like this, but it's his choice so for now I'm just going to go with it. 


It was evening and I was bored stiff. Ethan was out with his "friend", Jamie was round at some girls and Cameron wasn't back from work yet. I needed entertainment. Everyone I had texted was either busy or just not replying. I decided I'd go for a run to occupy me at least until Cameron was home then I'd have someone else to annoy. 

Only 5 minutes into my run, I realised why it's not something I do very often. We live in a pretty rough area and now it was evening and getting darker the streets suddenly didn't feel safe at all,. I wouldn't say I was scared ( I mean after all I was raised with boys I could certainly stand up for myself) but I just didn't feel particularly safe. I turned the volume of my iPod up a little louder and quickly ran past the group of boys that were making me feel a little uneasy. I was too busy looking behind to check I wasn't being followed to realise where I was heading. Whack. I'd slammed straight into something that knocked me off my feet straight to the floor. 

"Oh my god Ava! You're such a nob!" I looked up surprised to see my twin brother laughing above me. So it wasn't something I'd ran into but rather someone. 

I frowned at my obnoxious brother before pulling myself off the floor and shoving him in the chest: 

"You could have stopped me from falling you idiot" 

" yeah you're right I could have but that wouldn't have made me laugh half as much!" 

"God I hate you! Anyway thought you were busy tonight?" 

"Nah, sacked her off. She was way too needy, talking about going for dinner with her parents and stuff. Plus she was pretty shit in bed." 

I shook my head at my brothers disgusting behaviour as we continued to walk back home.

"Imagine if some boy started talking about me the same way you talk about girls. What would you say?" 

Jamie  looked like he was actually pondering what I'd said before turning back to me laughing, "you think any boy would go near you. That's cute Avs. Boys do have some standards you know." 

How rude?! Really though! The cheek! My brothers weren't necessarily the over protective time that would care if I had a boyfriend but I didn't really share anything to do with my love life with them, they didn't need to know. Over the last few months I had been seeing one of Jamie and Ethan's friends, Jack, It was nothing serious we'd been out a few times and we'd slept together but it had kind of fizzled out the last few months. None of my brothers had known about this. But I was pissed off at Jamie now, so maybe he should find out what his "best mate" had been up to with his sister. 

"Ha, well that's certainly not what Jack thought when he was in your room having sex with me!" 

Oops I had took it too far and definitely over shared there. I took one last glance at Jamie before taking over home running as fast as I could. When I got home, Cameron and Ethan were both back to as I could see the lights on upstairs. I pegged it up the stairs heading straight to auntie Jills room, since she wasn't here I intended on making the most of a free room to myself. As I ran in I was surprised to find Cameron sitting on the bed. "Sorry baby oldest rules, in having this room!" 

"Arghhh!!!" I stomped over to Ethan's room only to find he wasn't alone. A friend I'd not met if his was in there too. The two of them were playing on his Xbox. " Can I sleep in here tonight? I've fallen out with Jamie?" 

"Sorry Avs but Matt is sleeping over tonight," Ethan replied with a genuine look of sympathy for me in his eyes. 


I slumped back to my own room just as I heard the front door slam and then a bellow up the stairs. 

"Ava if you value you're life you'd better start running now!" 

Oh shit. Now I'd done it. 

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