Turn of events

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Despite the fact Jamie and I had "made up" I was still fuming at him and after eating pizza I decided to sleep on the sofa. Clearly Ethan had not got that memo as I was awoken at 8 o'clock the next morning to him seeing his "friend" out.  Now I don't know about you, but personally I do not say bye to my friends by passionately kissing them. After a few more minutes, the door clicked shut and I shot up on the sofa scaring Ethan in the process, "So is that your boyfriend?!"  "Jesus Ava! You nearly gave me a heart attack! Please don't tell the others what you just saw though" Ethan pleaded with  worried look in his eyes. 

"Your secrets safe with me, but you're gonna have to tell them sooner or later, honestly they won't care" 

After Ethan was reassured I wasn't going to say anything, he got under the cover with me and we watched tv until the others woke up. Cameron was the first up, he rushed down stairs clearly late for work, "Ethan don't forget.." but before he could finish his sentence he was interrupted by Ethan, " ...to check my blood sugar? I know, don't worry!" Cameron rolled his eyes before shouting a quick good bye and running out of the door. 

We must have fallen back asleep because the next thing I knew it was half 10, I looked around and saw Ethan leaning against me still fast asleep. However upon closer inspection he looked extremely pale and beads of sweat had built up on his forehead. I nudged him slightly to wake him, as soon as I did I noticed how shakey he was. "Ethan, can you hear me?" He replied with an incoherent mumble. Oh shit his blood sugars must have dipped.  This wasn't the first time this has happened but usually Cam was here and knew exactly what to do, trying not to panic I moved him so he was sitting upright and called upstairs for Jamie. 

"Jamie, I really need your help! Come downstairs now!!" I heard him groan then finally come down stairs. 

"This better me important Avs.." before he could continue his rant he looked over to where I was sat next to Ethan and instantly saw the problem. 

"Oh shit! Ethan mate, can you hear me?" Again Ethan mumbled some nonsense in response. 

"Ava go and get him some juice, his sugars are low"

I ran into the kitchen as Jamie stayed with Ethan, I couldn't have been more than 30 seconds when I heard Jamie swearing. 

"Fuck, it's too late! We need an ambulance"

I ran back in to see Ethan on the sofa with his head in Jamie's lap having some kind of seizure, without hesitation I pulled my phone out and dialed 999. 

A few minutes had passed, Ethan had stopped fitting but was now passed out unconscious, the paramedics came rushing through followed a few minutes later by Cameron, who we had called after the ambulance.  They wasted no time in prodding him with needles and hooking him up to stuff whilst  cam gave them a run down on his medical history. All we could do was watch, I hadn't even realised I was crying until I felt someone put their arm around me and pull me to their chest. As Cameron was still talking to the paramedics I realised it was Jamie who was hugging me. Twice in a week, bloody hell! 

With Ethan in the ambulance the three of us ran out to Cameron's car ready to follow him to the hospital. I wasn't religious but I was praying the whole way there that he'd be fine. 

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