Don't look

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Ethan looked down awkwardly refusing to make eye contact with any of us whilst Matt just stood there with a bright red face clearly embarrassed at Cameron's outburst.
After a few more minutes of painful silence, Jamie finally spoke up- "Matt, why don't you just come outside a minute with me and Ava, and leave these 2 here to catch up," Matt looked towards Ethan for his approval taking his slight nod as a yes before leaving the room with me and Jamie.
We went back to the waiting area and sat awkwardly, none of us really knowing what to say. It surprised me when Matt was the first person to speak up, "Is Ethan okay? I'm sorry for just intruding but I went round to yours to get my wallet that I'd left and your neighbour came out to tell me that Eth had left in ambulance and I just panicked!"
I decided I liked Matt, he clearly cared for my brother, bless him. "He's going to be fine, his sugars had dropped too low," I didn't want to say too much incase Ethan hasn't told him yet about the diabetes.
"Is that because of his diabetes?" Oh so he had told him, they must be quite serious as Ethan was quite sensitive about his diabetes and wouldn't tell somebody about it unless he really trusted them.
"So are you and my brother fucking?" Jamie suddenly interrupted in his usual crude manner. Matt, looked taken back a bit at first but before I could shout at my brother for being so inappropriate, he burst out laughing turning to Jamie, "well yes we are, I didn't realise you were so involved in your brothers sex life?! On a serious note though I'm taking it Ethan still hasn't told you lot he's gay?"
"Actually he did tell me, but that's it. How long have you two been together?"
"About 3 months. Please don't be too hard on him for not telling you he's been really struggling with the fact that he's gay."
Jamie was quick to reply, "I don't know why he didn't tell us, just for the record we really don't care if he prefers dick!"
The three of us continued the chatter giving Ethan and Cameron some time alone together. We got to know Matt a bit better and he seemed like the perfect match for Ethan.

Cameron's P.O.V
I stared a little longer at Ethan, wondering why he's kept something so important from me. Did he really think I wouldn't accept him for being gay?
My train of thought was interrupted by Ethan's voice, " sorry"
I looked him in the eye, "what for?"
"I don't know, for being gay?" As he said it his voice broke and a single tear trickled down his face.
My heart broke for my little brother, I cupped his chin making him look up at me, "listen mate, I don't give a shit about that, if you're happy I'm happy for you! Please don't think anything different. Ever. Now are you gonna tell me about this boyfriend of yours?" I let go of his face and smiled at him, which he returned.

15 minutes had passed and we decided to head back to Ethan's room, I was pleased to walk in to see my two brothers laughing with each other.
"I like him Eth," I said pointing to Matt, "he's a keeper!" Ethan just laughed as Matt walked over to him and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek, before whispering something in his ear.
"So how you feeling Ethan?" Jamie asked.
"Fine now, the nurse is coming through in a minute to check my sugar levels again, if they're still okay I'm good to leave tomorrow." As if on que the nurse came in, "okay love the doctors have asked for me to take a blood sample, just so we can double check there's nothing else that might have caused your episode earlier,"
Ethan just nodded, he'd got used to all the prodding and poking over the years. "Do you need us to wait outside?" Cameron asked the nurse.
"It's up to you dear, I don't mind you being here won't take a minute,"
Ethan looked over to me, I quickly got up to leave knowing if I saw the blood being taken I would pass out there and then.
Jay got up and followed me out, we sat outside the room on the floor. All of a sudden the double doors swung open where a man on a stretcher was rushed through surrounded by doctors and nurses.
"Shit Ava, don't look!"
"What why?" Obviously at his words, I did the exact opposite of what he said and looked up only to be greeted by the sight of the man on the stretcher covered in blood, he'd clearly been in a bad accident. I instantly felt nauseous  and dizzy, why did I look up?! I could hear Jamie's voice but it started to fade and then the next thing you know everything was black.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2018 ⏰

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