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Why had I told Jamie?! I was just so angry at him it just come out of my mouth before I even had chance to process what I was about to say. I'd really fucked up now. Jack and I had agreed to keep whatever we had going off a secret. Nobody had really needed to know, especially not my brothers as I didn't want to ruin their friendship with Jack. 

I could hear his footsteps getting louder as he came closer to our bedroom and I already knew Cam and Ethan would be stood at their doors like gossiping old women waiting to watch the drama unfold. I was seriously contemplating jumping from the window, but the whole fear of blood thing was really putting me off. 


The door swung open and Jamie strode straight over to where I was stood. He looked angry. Really angry. Shit. 

"You little slag! I can't believe you would do this! He's my friend Ava, does that not mean anything to you?" 

I tried to reason with my brother, "Jay please come on it wasn't like that!"

"Shut up Ava! Because from where I'm standing that's exactly how it looks. You just couldn't keep your legs shut could you?" 

At that I snapped, how dare he insult me like that?! I launched forward tackling my twin to the floor. 

"You're such a hypocrite Jamie!" In between our argument we were wrestling on the bedroom floor, I currently had him pinned down but he suddenly flipped us giving him the upper hand so he was no on top of me and pining me to the floor. 

"I have never slept with one of your friends Ava, that is such a low blow. We're meant to be twins and you've just stabbed me right in the back. In fact you've also stabbed Ethan in the back too." 

Upon hearing his name, Ethan came running into our room causing Jamie to momentarily lose his focus on me meaning I could flip us round so once again I had the upper hand, 

"Have you heard what our little slag of a sister has been up to Ethan, well I'll tell you. She been having sex with Jack. As in Jack who's our friend. One of my best friends. And this little whore has been opening her legs for him." 

Ethan looked shocked for a moment  but he was always the more rational of my brother so he calmly crouched down to the floor and lifted me off of Jamie and held me in his arms to stop me from going back to take another hit at my twin, because I was fuming. I had never been so insulted in my life. I wouldn't mind as much if what he was saying was actually true, but it wasn't. I wasn't a slag or  whore, jack was the only person I had ever slept with and that only happened a grand total of 3 times. 

Ethan continued to pull me back as Jamie got up from the floor and right in my face, but before he could do any more damage Cameron had come in and pulled him back. So we currently stood both being pulled back my our other brothers swearing and shouting at each other until Cameron silenced us all. 

"Would someone be so kind as to tell me what the hell is going on?!" 


Several minutes later all my brothers had been filled in on what had happened, much to my embarrassment. Ethan had been chilled about the whole thing, he said that as long as I was safe he was happy for me either way and after saying his piece he went back to his room where his poor friend Matt was waiting. The same Matt who I had only just met and had seen me and my brothers at our absolute worst. Cameron was bothered that I'd had sex with Jack particularly, he was however bothered that I had sex at all in the first place. However, I was quick to point out that at my age he had already got a girlfriend who he was sleeping with so he was being very hypocritical especially considering my twin brother was sleeping with every girl going and he had not been punished for it. Cameron seemed to see my point of view and relented slightly, not without a strict warning to be safe and not get myself pregnant. 

Having assessed the situation Cameron turned to Jamie, "Jamie do you not think it should be Jack that you're angry at?" 

"Don't worry he will be getting it as well, but she's my twin. She's meant to have my back not go behind my back and be a little slut." 

Cameron snapped, he grabbed Jamie by the collar and pinned him to the wall,"if you ever speak about our sister like that again, I will snap you in half. Is that clear?!" 

There's aren't many people that scare Jamie but Cameron is definitely one person that always will.  As I've said before he is very protective of all of us and although he is usually a very calm guy, when it comes to any of his siblings he goes super scary and you really wouldn't want to mess with him. 

Jamie nodded at Cameron knowing not to argue back. 

Cameron continued, , "now we're going to put all this behind us and not say another word about it. Ava knows what she did was wrong and she is never going sleep with Jack again. In fact she is never even going to speak to him again. Isn't that right Ava?" I nodded too afraid to speak  and say the wrong thing. "You are going to apologise to your sister and then we are going to order a pizza and eat together like siblings do. Is that clear?" 

Cameron let Jamie down from the wall and left our room to order the pizza. Jamie stepped towards me and gave me a hug whilst whispering in my ear, 

"I still hate you." 


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