Wake up

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"Ava! Ava! Wake up!!" The sound of my yonger cousin, Tom, boomed through my room. 

It was the summer holidays and I'd actually had the mad idea that I might actually be able to have a lay in for a change.  Suddenly, two small hands were shaking my body and poking my face. Good bye lay in. 

Taking him by surprise, I grabbed Tom and started tickling  him causing him to go into a fit of laughter. This didn't go unnoticed by my twin, Jamie or Jay for short, who I had the displeasure of sharing my room with. Now I know what you're thinking who at 15 shares their bedroom with their brother, but we don't particularly have a regular family set up. You see myself and my brothers live with my auntie and her son. As my auntie had never planned on having 5 children under her roof, her house isn't particularly equipped for it. My auntie, being the selfless person that she is, sleeps in the tiny box room, Cameron, Ethan and Tom sleep in one room and myself and Jay sleep in the other room. It's been that way since we were 3, where the intention had been to keep the twins together, although 12 years later this was no longer ideal. When we were 12, Cameron had put a curtain down the middle of our room to try and create a bit of privacy, which made the situation slightly more bearable. 

Anyway, back to the present. 

"Will you two shut up?! Some of us are trying to sleep!" Moaned jay from his bed the other side of the curtain.

Ignoring my brother, the two of us carried on giggling, until Tom had enough and scurried out of the room most likely to annoy somebody else. 

I turned to look at the clock, seeing it was only 9, I sighed heavily as I was now fully awake and could wave goodbye to any hope of getting back to sleep. 

"Jayyyy" I called to the other side of my room. 

A grumpy voice replied back, "what do you want Ava?" 

"Please can you sleep in the other room tonight so I can have the girls stay over?" With only my auntie I was desperate for a bit of girl time. 

"Absolutely not, this is my room. You fuck off  and sleep somewhere else!" 

Ladies and gentlemen, meet my ever so inconsiderate twin brother. 


Before I could finish he'd cut me off again. 

This resulted in a shouting match between the two off us before a final insult that we both delivered at the exact same time... 

"I hate you!" 

With that I stormed out of the room, ready for a full day of ignoring my ignorant brother. 

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