-Ein- Suffer

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Things you'll need to know:

(Y/N) - Your Name

Here's another angst cuz, again, y not?

Your POV
My tail was sadly swishing side to side as I walked down the hallway with no one besides me. Those who noticed me laughed or pointed out how lonely I was. I won't-- no, can't fight it anymore. Being the omega sucks with no one to support me. Then, you transferred in.

Originally, I was gonna ignore you, as you were an omega, but then I realized:

"Your an omega too, stupid!"

You approached me. Saying how much you wanted to be friends. I looked at you in shock. No one has ever asked me that, is it a joke? That question didn't matter, as I risked my chances and became friends.

We got really close by the end of that month. You'd stand up for me if I got bullied, I'd aid you if you ever got hurt. It was a cycle, an amazing one too. You turned out to be an awesome guy. We got closer and closer to the point where I started to develop feelings for you. At first, I was really confused because I've never experienced the feeling before, so I went to Alpha Aphmau. She squealed and replied:

"It's love! It's true love! I ship it!" And with that, she ran around. I laughed and walked away, still keeping her words in my mind. True love, huh?

Several times I tried to confess, but it wouldn't come out. You would just chuckle and change the subject if I got to "lo--". Yup, that's the farthest I've gotten to.

I loved our Alpha, she was so giving and flexible with everyone. But as time continued, I realized, she was the problem. She told me I loved you, but you told me you loved her. I still remember that heart-breaking day:


I walked down the halls with Ein by my side as always. Us omegas stay together, no matter what.

"And then Blaze got triggered after he heard Aphmau burnt herself. Even though it didn't hurt her, he tried to take her to the hospital!" We both laugh at that. Ok! This is a chance that I could confess my feelings!

"H-Hey Ein?" I ask. He stops laughing and looks at me.


"I've been trying to tell you for a while, and I- I love you!" He stops walking and looks at me. And laughs.

"Awhh! I love you too! Your like a little sister to me!" He gives me a hug as I feel my heart shatter into dust-like pieces, never to be repaired again.

The bell rings (lunch time) and he looks at me.

"Bleachers?" I gave him a smile. A fake smile never hurt anyone, anyone but yourself.


I go to my locker to get my lunch, and go the bleachers like I promised Ein. We ate in silence... until--

"(Y/N), I can trust you, right?"

"Yes, why?"

"Well..." he looked off into the soccer ball field.

"There's this girl I like, and I don't know how to tell her." I could feel my heart break even more, if it was possible.

"...Well, uhm.. just... go suck it up and do it. Be yourself, I k-know a girl would never say no to that!"

"Alright, thanks (Y/N)!"

"Hey... who's your crush?"

"It's.... uhmm..."


"It's Aphmau! Okay?" Her.

"O-Oh, well... nice! She's really your type!" Lies.


"Yeah!" Lies

"I bet she feels the same way!" Lies.

"Okay! Okay! I'll do it by the end of today! Again, thanks soooo much (Y/N)!"

The bell rang again and we separated ways.

-later on-

"(Y/N)! Did you hear?! I'm the new Alpha!" He hugs me excitedly and I fake smile once again.

"Congrats...." I say, trying to be excited. I go to my new friend, Katelyn, and leave Ein alone.

"Aren't you happy for him?"


"Why not?"

"He's leaving me to be omega, by myself, to suffer."


Eventually, he forgot all about me. Katelyn never left my side at that time.
Ein, however, turned out to be a huge dick, being evil and all.

So basically,

Welcome to my life!

Where I was meant to laid to suffer, only to rise up again and get revenge.

Word count: 730

Now you know I easily get bored haha. Again, I suck at angst, idk why I keep writing it. Yeah.. umm.. bye!

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