-Zenix- Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich

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Things you'll need to know:

(Y/N) - Your name

(N/N) - Nick name

This will be from the upside down Phoenix drop high series. If you don't know what that is, it's an alternate universe where everyone acts the opposite of what they actually are. Ok? Ok.

Your POV

"Let's all go to the movies after school!" Sasha suggests.

"Sure!" Zenix happy agrees.

"Ooo, I'm down!" I exclaim. Gene looks.. sad.

"Umm... sorry guys. I have basketball practice."

"Oh! That reminds me! I have a volleyball practice today as well (I actually play volleyball :3 ). How about tomorrow?"

"Oof, Sasha and I have to study for a test then." Zenix explains. Sasha nods sadly.

"What about on Wednesday?" I suggest.

"I'm free then."

"Me too!"


"Then it's decided, hang out on Wednesday!" I cheer happily. Then, I feel someone harshly bump into me, which makes me bump into Zenix, making me fall on him.

"Ugh, get out of the way." Aphmau, the bully hisses. I immediately get off of Zenix and apologize.

"It's okay.." he muttered.

"Hey! She wasn't even in the way!" Gene yells. Awh. He's like an older brother to all of us, always defending and looking out for us. Aphmau scoffs.

"Yet she can't even fight her own battles, isn't that right, kitty?" Gene growls.

"Don't call me that!"

"Oh, you thought I was talking about you? No, no, I was talking to her." She points at me. Zenix wraps his arms around me protectingly and Aphmau just laughs.

"Awh! Look! She even has a boyfriend! Who can't even defend her. Cmon guys, let's get away from these losers!" Aphmau and Garroth walk away, while Laurance stays a bit and gives a glare to all of us like saying:

'I'm watching you.' Then quickly went back to his little gang. I sigh.

"Why is it always me they pick on?"

Sasha shakes her head.

"Don't mind them, they're bullies. Anyways, um, (N/N), you promised me you would teach me about volleyball?"

"Oh yeah! I'll show you after school."



"Oh! Lunch! Gene, Zenix, you guys coming?" They both snap out of their little trance. They nod while I smile.


---time skip---

"Do you guys wanna sit at the bleachers today?" Zenix suddenly asks. I look at Gene and Sasha, who just shrug.


"But isn't that where the Shadow Knights eat?" Gene worriedly asks. I roll my eyes.

"Turn around."

He does to see them happily eating at a table in the cafeteria.

"For someone strong and hot like you, you're a total idiot." Sasha states. I laugh at this.


"No, but seriously, let's go to the bleachers." Zenix says, grabbing my hand and almost dragging me there. Once we get there, a random werewolf boy comes up to me, takes my lunch box, then runs off.

"What in the name of Irene....?" I question. I stop and sigh.

I watch him as I see him eat my lunch. He then deposits the lunch box and leaves to class happily. Ugh, stupid werewolves.

I groan and Sasha is just:

"Tsk, tsk, tsk." -ing.

I check my pockets to see if I had lunch money. Nope.

"Do any of you have anything In your lunch I can eat?" Sasha and Gene shake their heads, while Zenix hesitantly hands me a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

"Awh, thanks Zenix."

I heard a faint:

"Look Gene! Our ship is sailing well so far!"

---timeskip 7 years later---

"You may now kiss the bride."

I smile and bring Zenix into a long, passionate kiss.

"Or kiss the groom?"

Everyone laughs, including me and Zenix when I pull away.

One thought crossed my mind. It was a weird one.

This all started with a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

---------- too lazy to finish this line

Word count: 650

This one was weird at the end because I didn't know how to end it. Whoops.

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