-Katelyn- Best Day Ever

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Things you'll need to know:

(Y/N) - Your Name

(N/N) - Nick Name

(H/C) - Hair Color

(H/L) - Hair Length

(E/C) - Eye Color

It's 10:00 pm..
And I'm bored..
So here's a chappy.

This is also a chapter to tell everyone it doesn't matter if your gay, lesbian, bisexual, or anything like that. You're you and you should be proud of that :)

Your POV

My (H/L), (H/C) hair (if it's long, it's tied in a pony tail) stuck a bit to my skin as I hit the ball. I see the other team trying to block it, but it miraculously hits the ground, making our team have one final point. And with that final point, we broke the tie and won. I hear everyone on my team cheer as some give me high fives. People from my school cheer at the fact our team won against Ok'hasis Prep. I feel satisfied and confident... until the captain came up to me.

"Good job (N/N)! You really taught them a lesson!" She high fives me and I smile at her while wiping sweat off of my face.

"T-Thanks! You weren't that bad either."

"I know."

I go to the bleachers and open my water bottle, chugging it down like I haven't had water in years. Once I'm finished, I see it's 3/4 empty. There goes my water for lunch time.

Since.. I'm kinda... lonely I guess? I get to sit at lunch in peace with my thoughts. Speaking of lunch, there goes the bell. I sigh and get my lunch, heading for the bleachers and eating there. At my old school, in Meteli, gay, lesbian, and etc people weren't very... appreciated there. People would get bullied for not being straight and people would call them weirdos. I was one of the victims. The teachers would see me get 'talked to' in the hallways by other (straight) students and stop to watch in amusement. I was, and still am, bisexual. That's kind of why I moved. Here, they don't judge as much and it's peaceful. I joined the volleyball team to just try it out, to find out it was basically my passion. And then.. I met her. Katelyn, captain of the volleyball team. It wasn't the first time I've been interested in a girl.. but she's different. She's intelligent, confident, independent, determined... the list goes on and on. The only problem is that I'm pretty sure she doesn't swing the way I do. She's probably as straight as Aphmau is short. Plus, I'm almost positive she just broke up with her boyfriend. I feel like I should be happy and ask to hang out or even ask her out, but I feel like she's going through something I can't even imagine, like in those fan fictions I read. What? There's no shame in reading fan fics. In those xReader fan fictions, the protagonist is mostly confident. I can't really do that. I'm only confident in volleyball, and besides that, I'm pretty shy. Suddenly, I hear a faint:


Noise. I lean over the bleachers to see the shadow knights spray painting. I would go and stop them, but the last time I encountered them Gene called me--

"Hey! Kitty, over here!"

That. Everyone knows I hate pet names. I ignore Gene and continue to eat my lunch, deep in thought...

"Did you know that you've never seen your face in real life, only in pictures and reflections?"

"Did you know that 10% of the world is left handed?"


My train of thought was cut off when my unwrapped granola bar was snatched out of my hands. I look up to see..

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