Whispers Of Her Name

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Most of the day past by in whispers, I caught occasional whispers as I wandered past the crowds of students, lining the halls. And their conversations all linked back to one person,

Alice Walker.

I wasn't surprised, don't get me wrong. But I just felt a little bit of sympathy for the poor girl. Her actions and memories trapped forever in their brains.

She had no escape.

I lay in bed thinking about the girl, the girl I'd never spoken to.

The girl who died.

I knew it wasn't a great way of putting it, but honestly. How else could I put it. I didn't have any other way of knowing her, this girl wouldn't have ever crossed my mind if this hadn't happened.

If she hadn't died.

I had this nagging ache in the bottom of my stomach to feel sad, to be sad. But I just felt numb.


I wonder if that's how she felt, as she died. The school won't tell us how she died yet. But there are some pretty mental theories going around. Some including a mugging and her being captured by a gang. People with their imaginations sometimes...

Alice Walker, her name crossed my head every second of the day. Her name was everywhere, in my mind, on Facebook, coming from my parents. Everywhere.

There was something there, something I didn't quite understand.

I scrolled down my feed on Instagram, glancing over countless R.I.P posts or "We'll miss you Alice" messages. One post from her best friend, Jess White, caught my eye.

I've got to say. You were the best friend I've ever had. I can't believe your gone. I don't even know what happened. They won't tell me. And I miss you. Like proper miss you. Not like when one of us went on holiday and we'd text each other 'miss you' each night. Cause this time, you're not coming back.
And you don't quite get what that feels like.
I miss you Alice.
Jess x

I genuinely felt sorry for Jess, but she was a fake. Everyone knew Jess wasn't the brightest, that's why her post wasn't so compassionate. It would have probably taken her two hours just to get one line done.

If my best friend had died I wouldn't be able to face school. Or anything. But Jess still managed to get crowds of people and admirers stalking her round the school. As she 'cried'. I didn't hate Jess, but I did hate how she acted. She acts so fake. She's even fake at being fake.

As I lay in silence I realised, Alice's death would never go away. It would haunt people until the day they passed, just like her. An event like this never disappears. It always stays, nagging at the back of your mind.

Until it drives you insane.


Another one done! Sorry it's kind of short again, I'm not exactly sure how long I want the chapters to be. But longer than this, I'm mostly sure,
See you in the next one

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