H2OVanoss- Come Back...

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"Nooo!" Delirious screamed out as he heard the gunshot. He watched his best friend collapse. He ran over to his side and fell to his knees. "Oh my God! Evan, stay with me!" Evan's face contorted in pain. Delirious looked around for anyone. "Someone call an ambulance! Please!" He yelled out. "Delirious..." Evan said, grunting from the pain talking created. Delirious looked down at him and felt his tears sticking to his cheeks, being held to his face by his mask. Evan reached up and took off the mask. He saw all the pain in Delirious's eyes. "Evan, it's going to be okay man. You're going to get help..." Evan smiled a bit. "Delirious, if I don't make it... Don't blame yourself..." Delirious stared at his friend wide-eyed. "E-Evan, don't talk like that. You're going to make it. You have to make it. It's going to be okay." Delirious carefully hugged Evan and cried. He couldn't stop the tears. He heard someone running over to them. He looked up slightly and saw a blurry figure of a guy. Delirious wiped his eyes and looked at the new person. They were talking on the phone frantically. He was guessing it was to 911. Delirious looked back down to Evan. His eyes were almost closing. "Evan! Evan, come on man. You've gotta pull a fucking hoodini move man." Evan chuckled a bit and started to cough. "I don't think I can, Delirious." "An ambulance is on it's way." The other person said. "Just hang in there sir." He said to Evan. Delirious smiled a bit while crying. "See Evan? It's going to be okay." Evan smiled. But it had soon faded. "I'm sorry... Delirious..." His body went limp. Delirious started at his friend, trying to understand what just happened. "E-Evan?" He said. No response. "His pulse is slowing at an alarming rate." The man said. Delirious didn't want to accept it. "No... No, no, no! Evan! Come back to me Evan! Evan!" Still no response. The tears fell from Delirious's eyes like a river flow. He held onto him, trying not to scream. He heard the sirens close by. "Evan, come back! You're getting help! Evan!" He felt someone pull him away. He tried to resist but gave up and watched paramedics kneel down next to Evan. He turned away, feeling his heart shatter. Without even thinking, he turned and hugged the person that pulled him away and cried into their chest. "We're going to try and do everything we can for him." He said. Delirious looked up at the man he hugged. It was a police officer. "Please... He needs to be okay..." Delirious continued to cry. The officer gave him a comforting hug. Delirious heard the ambulance leaving. "I'll take you to the hospital." The officer said. Delirious backed away and nodded.

~time skip cause I'm bad at car~ ~rides~

~and btw idk hospitals very well~

Delirious ran into the hospital and up to the front desk. "I'm here to see Evan Fong." Delirious said, his voice shaky but slightly calm. "I'm sorry sir but you'll have to wait. He's in emergency care unit. You can't see him right now." Delirious hung his head. "Alright... But please tell me when I can see him." The woman nodded. Delirious walked over and sat down. The officer from earlier walked over. "I'd like to ask what happened." Delirious looked up at him quickly. "A man tried to mug us. Evan tried to be a hero, and got himself shot." Delirious felt like he was about to punch the wall in anger. Why did his friend have to be heroic? Even when they both knew it was going to get someone hurt. "Did you see what the man looked like?" "Yeah... He was about 5'8, he had messy brown hair, he was caucasian, really pale, and had a scar going up his left cheek." The officer wrote down all the info Delirious told him. He gave a slight nod. "Anything else?" Delirious shook his head no. The officer nodded again and stood up. "Well, we are going to do everything we can to find this man." "Thanks..." Delirious said quietly. Then his attention was turned to the groups of nurses and doctors that were running to a room frantically. Delirious got up and walked behind them slowly. He watched them walk into a room. He walked to the doorway and peeked in. He felt his heart break even more. There was Evan, his shirt ripped and his chest covered in blood. The doctors ran around the bed, grabbing tools they needed and tried to help the dying man. Delirious wanted to cover his ears while he heard the sickening sound of the heart monitor. There was no beeping. Only a constant hum. Delirious covered his mouth to try and keep in the sobs. "Evan... Please don't die..." Delirious whispered out. Tears fell down his cheeks without a sound. He turned around and leaned against the wall, sliding down into a sitting position. He held his knees to his chest and cried. He cried harder than he ever has before. The thought of losing his best friend made him terrified. He heard the commotion die down a bit in the room. He peeked in at the doctors and nurses. They all had solemn looks on their faces. "Call it." One doctor said. "Time of death: 9:27 PM." Delirious look on in horror. "No..." He whispered out. He went back to the chairs in the waiting room and sat there, staring on. He didn't know what to feel. It was slowly setting in on him but he couldn't cry. He couldn't feel. He heard someone walk over to him. He looked up to see the doctor. "I'm sorry for your loss." Delirious slowly turned away from him and stared at the floor. "I... I can't believe..." Delirious didn't want to accept it. He stood up and walked out of the hospital, ignoring the called from the doctor. He walked in the direction of home. He hurt. He hurt so much that he was numb. When he walked across streets, he didn't even bother to look both ways. What was the point? Before he knew it though, he was home and no cars had hit him, no one tried to mug him or hurt him. Once he unlocked the door and went in, it all hit him at once. He didn't even get five feet into the house before he fell to his knees, crying. He sobbed loudly. He hugged himself, trying to gain some form of comfort. He didn't know what to do anymore. He didn't want to do anything anymore. He just wanted Evan back. He didn't want to think about this anymore, so he pulled his phone out of his pocket. He quickly called Luke and waited for an answer. "Hello?" He answered. Delirious sniffled a bit. "Hey, could you come over for a while? I really.... really need to talk to someone right now..." "Delirious, are you crying?" "I'll explain when you get here." Delirious quickly hung up the phone and stayed sitting on the ground. About five minutes later, Luke walked into the house. "Delirious?! What's wrong?!" He asked frantically as he knelt down next to his friend. Delirious sobbed and hugged Luke. "E-Evan is...-" He choked up on his words, not being able to say it. "Evan? Evan is what?" "Evan is dead!" Delirious cried more and held onto Luke tighter. Luke didn't know how to respond, so he just hugged Delirious back. "I'm so sorry man."

~again time skip cause laziness~

~and fyi there is no closure~

~this just take your soul~

~and crushes it~

~i'm sorry~

~and it's a big time skip~

~of like 3 years~

Delirious sat in his room. He wasn't sure of what it was he wanted to do today. He was trying to decide between playing video games or relaxing but both thoughts halted when he heard his phone ring. He answered it quickly. "Hello?" "Hey Delirious! Ohm, Bryce, and I were going to walk around town for a while. Wanna join?" It was Luke. Delirious smiled faintly. "Sure." "Awesome! We'll be at your house soon so get ready!" Delirious chuckled a bit and hung up. He got up from his chair and went to his closet.he grabbed out a blue pull over hoodie and dark blue jeans. He quickly got dressed and looked at himself in the mirror. The tired look in his eyes was easy to see. So were the tear stains. He sighed and grabbed his mask, putting it on and looking at himself again. He looked himself over and saw his wrists. He sighed once more and pulled them down as far as he could. He didn't want the others to see what's happened to him. He walked downstairs and quickly put his shoes on. He grabbed his house key and stopped for a moment. He knew it was a bad idea, but he had gotten the charm anyway. A small owl charm hung on the keychain. It caused a slight bit of pain to surge through his chest. "I wish you were here man..." He whispered out to nothing. Then he heard the knock on the door, and left.

~okay. You don't understand~ ~how much i hate my brain for~ ~thinking this up. I almost~ ~cried writing it. It hurt me so~ ~much. It just... ahhhhh! I'm very~ ~sorry if i made you sad. Please~ ~don't hate me (;^;)~

Word count (without author's notes): 1507

Word count (with author's notes): 1591

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