Ohmtoonz - Homeless

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This was requested by 11Unsteady11.It didn't turn out the way you had requested it, but I believe that it is close enough. I hope this is enjoyable. Also, the Mark mentioned in this story is NOT markiplier. It's gorillaphent.🐘

"Who do you think you even are?" A deep voice boomed from above me. I could hear soft whimpers of a hurt dog to my left. Buddy.

"I didn't want any trouble..." I whispered to the man as a response. I heard him laugh as he got closer, most likely kneeling beside me.

"Oh? No trouble? Well that just won't work. You see, you saw something no one was supposed to see. I don't want any witnesses. I felt him tangle his fingers into the back of my hair as he yanked my head off of the ground so he could look me in the eye. His eyes were like a venomous green. Blood was splattered in places on his face from what he had done earlier. I was so afraid that I was going to end up his next victim. He smirked and leaned a bit closer. "Maybe we can make a deal~" His words held mischief.

"Please... just let me go..." I pleaded, tears welling up in my eyes. He just laughed.

"Maybe I should hurt you a little; hear your screams a bit." My blood ran cold as I felt his hand make its way down my back. However, before it could touch anywhere indecent, someone called out to him.

"HEY!" Both of his hands left my body as he stood up to face the sudden voice.

"What the hell do you want?" The air was tense. It made me scared to move even the slightest bit. The opposing voice spoke out again.

"Let him go." I felt slight relief when I understood that he was trying to help me. I turned my head so I could see the man. He looked like your everyday type of person. Realizing this made worry creep back up my spine. What if this man got hurt trying to protect someone as meaningless as me?

"What will you do if I don't?" His words broke my train of thought.

"I don't really feel like explaining it; it'll be too complicated for you to comprehend. So just let him go, and I'll deal with you a different day. Or, we can fight now if you'd prefer." There was smugness dripping from every word he spoke.

"Is that a challenge?" The kind man laughed a bit as he walked closer to us.

"Only if you want it to be. But just a heads up, I'm making no promises to keep you alive." Was this man insane?! Was he just trying to get himself killed?!

"HA! You are in no position to make threats, man. You don't even have a weapon." Finally, the man moved away from me, giving me my chance to get up. My body trembled as I lifted myself to my knees. The soft whimpering made its way to my ears again, sending dread through me. I looked to my left and saw my dog limping towards me. Tears spilled from my eyes as I carefully pulled him close. That bastard had shot my dog's back leg. I took off my jacket and wrapped it around buddy. I gently picked him up as I stood, only focusing on him and not the two men fighting behind me.

"It's gonna be okay, Buddy. It's all gonna be okay." I heard a loud pop, like that of a bone being snapped, from behind me. It was quickly followed by a loud thump. I didn't want to look at the source of the noise, in fear that I would see the dead body of that kind man. Heavy footsteps drew closer behind me. I tensed up and held onto buddy.

"Are you alright?" A soft, deep voice spoke up behind me. I slowly turned to look at the person, and instantly was relieved. It was the kind man. I nodded my head slightly, to shaken to actually speak. I glanced behind him for a moment, only to focus back on him soon after. Who knew I would see two corpses in one day? "How's your dog?" His question sounded very sincere. I looked down at Buddy in my arms, who was still whimpering.

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