Daithi de Terroriser

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I kissed his lips lightly, making sure not to wake him from his slumber. I looked at his sleeping face and noticed all the little things about it. The way his hair had shifted into his eyes, how drool was drying to his chin and in his facial hair, and the way he just looked so at peace. I curled up on the bed beside him and placed my hand upon his with a light smile. The sound of his snores mixed with the light thump of his heartbeat made me let out a sigh of happiness. But the small smile that had found its way to my lips slowly started to fade as I noticed more things about his face. The dark circles under his eyes, the streams of dried tears. He looked as if he'd been crying for days on end with no sleep. Reality set in for me and brought tears to my eyes.

"Daithi..." I whispered out as tears spilled out of my eyes and silently to the pillow beneath my head. I saw him stir in his sleep but he didn't wake up. I wanted to call out to him, to scream his name and get his attention- but I couldn't. I wasn't physically able to. You see, I'm not even supposed to be in this world anymore. I got into a car accident about three weeks ago, but I haven't passed on to whatever the afterlife is supposed to be. So I decided to be here, with the person I loved but I didn't know if he ever loved me back. Not till the day of my funeral. I still remember it too. His cries. His pain. I didn't know till then how much he painfully loved me.

I held my eyes shut tightly as I recalled the memory. It had only happened a week ago, but it still haunted me. Tears seeped through the corners of my eyes. I just wanted to be back, to be able to be held in his arms and tell him how much I fucking love him. But of course, we don't all get what we want. I let out a small sob while i tried to grab at Daithi's jacket. I held onto the fabric lightly, or at least seemed to hold it. I listened to Daithi's snores mixing with the sounds of my quiet sobs. I wanted to scream. I wanted to cry. I wanted to call out for help. But no words came out. Only ugly noises of sadness.

"Brian...?" My eyes had shot wide open at the mention of my name. It sounded like such an innocent question. Just a name. My name. Which made it all the more hurtful. I looked to Daithi and watched closely as his eyes fluttered open a bit. He let out a yawn and stretched his arm up, before curling up again. But he didn't close his eyes. He slowly looked before him and made eye contact with me, although he didn't know I was there. What he had muttered next had nearly broken my heart into little pieces.

"I really miss you Brian..." His eyes became glossy with both tears and the growing sleep that was calling him back. I let tears fall from my eyes too as I leaned towards him, laying my head next to his chest. "I miss you too, Daithi!" I cried out. I wanted to feel the warmth from him. Being dead meant being cold, and that was something that I didn't want. I thought I had heard a small chuckle escape Daithi's lips before he said those three words that I wanted to say back, but couldn't.

"I love you."

I started to sob loudly and uncontrollably. I wish I could go back. Back to the day my world ended. Back to the day I died.

"I want to go back! I want to live again!" I yelled through my tears. I bit my tongue to try and keep back the sobs. I laid as close as I could to Daithi and heard him start to snore again.

"I want to go back..." I let the words fall out as a whisper as I looked at Daithi.

"You really want to go back just because of this guy?" A voice said from across the room. I quickly sat up to see a dark ominous figure standing at the foot of the bed. They wore a long cloak and had the hood covering most of their face.

"Who are you?"

"I'm what you people call the grim reaper. I could hear you crying and it was pissing me off so I came to see what the fuss was about." He slowly pulled back his hood and looked me dead in the eyes. I wasn't expecting what he looked like. He looked like an everyday guy you'd pass on the sidewalk. I studied the different things about his face for a moment until I noticed a smirk form on his lips.

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