Minicat - Laser Tag

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     I held the gun close to my chest as I peeked around the dark corner. There was no one in sight, so I decided to advance. I watched around myself as I ran to cover, hiding in a corner. I looked around the dark room, listening carefully. By the lack of footsteps, I'd say I was the only one left. I peeked around the corner again and saw a shadow move, causing me to hide myself again.

     "Oh Mini~" A voice chimed with amusement. It made my blood run cold as I hid myself in the corner, regretting my choice in position. I heard his footsteps getting closer. I took in a deep breath as I thought of an ambush plan. But all those ideas halted when Tyler walked around the corner, gun aimed at me. He had a wicked smile on his lips, and his eyes were full of mischief.

     "Looks like we're the only ones left, Mini~" He walked closer, gun still aimed at me. I gritted my teeth, feeling annoyed from being stuck in this god damn corner. Tyler laughed a bit at my annoyance. "You know, the only one to blame for this is you, since you got yourself cornered." He started to walk even closer, until he was directly in front of me.

     "Why haven't you just shot me yet?" I asked, aiming my gun at him. He smiled and lowered his gun, and stood so close to me that my gun was against his chest. He slowly pushed my gun away from him and gently made me hold it at my side. The wicked grin had turned into a soft smile.

     "The reason I haven't shot you yet, is because I wanted to do this." He said before leaning towards me. I was confused at first, but once I felt his lips on mine, it was clear to me what he meant. I was hesitant at first, but I soon melted into the kiss, dropping my gun so I could wrap my arms around his neck to try and deepen the kiss. I felt him push me against the wall as he kissed me more passionately. His hand was on my hip, the other still holding his gun.

     We soon pulled away for air and looked at each other. I was panting from the lack of air and the amount of adrenaline running through me. He grinned a bit as he pulled away from me, leaving me to lean against the wall. 

     "This was really fun Craig. But this can't be like the hunger games. One of us has to lose." I stared at him in anger as he held up his gun and pulled the trigger. The vest I had on started to make noise, signaling I had been hit. The lights in the room became bright again as someone spoke over the loud speaker.

     "Team Blue has won the laser tag game! Congrats!" Tyler smiled over to me as I glared back at him. I crossed my arms in annoyance as I looked away from him.

     "So, was that kiss just to bring my guard down? Or did you actually want to kiss me?" I didn't look up at him as I asked. I kept my gaze on the ground. There was conflicting emotions swimming around in my mind and heart, causing my stomach to do flips. I've had a crush on Tyler for so long, but I doubt he knew. But if he did this to just get my guard down, and he didn't like me the same way, I swear my heart is going to be shattered right here and now.

     "Craig, look at me." Tyler said sternly. I didn't listen. I kept my eyes towards the ground, avoiding eye contact. "Craig, just look at me already." He said again. He sounded annoyed now. So, I looked up at him. I wasn't expecting him to be so close to me. He was less than an inch away from me. I slowly let my arms drop to my sides as I looked at him. I could tell he was annoyed, but there was also another emotion dancing in his eyes. I felt his hand under my chin, holding my face in place so I can't look away.

     "I wouldn't just do that to bring your guard down. I'm not that much of an asshole. I did it because I really wanted to kiss you, and this was one of the only times where we were alone." The sincerity of his words dripped off of his tongue like water, and they were sweet like vanilla. He had a hint of a bitter smile on his lips. "I really like you, Craig. Maybe even love you. I just really want you to know that. Because any other time, I'm too much of a pussy to tell you."

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