Brohm - Confessions

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Ohm felt his hands start to get sweaty while he stood outside of Bryce’s bedroom door. He was going to go in there and tell him he loved him, and share all the feelings he’s been hiding. But he was scared. He didn’t want to get rejected and ruin the friendship they had. But he took a deep breath, and opened the door. He walked in quietly and saw that Bryce was asleep. “I’ll just talk to him later.” Ohm thought to himself as he started to back out of the room. But he froze when he heard Bryce let out a whimper. His curiosity got the better of him, and he walked over to the bed. Bryce looked like he was about to cry and kept whimpering. Ohm’s heart hurt at the sight. He climbed into the bed and hugged Bryce, trying to calm him down. Bryce snuggled up to him but was still whimpering. It was as if he was trying to hide in Ohm’s arms. “Ohm… Don’t leave…” He whispered out, catching Ohm off guard. “I’m not going to leave.” He whispered. He softly and carefully kissed Bryce’s forehead, trying to comfort him. He heard a small sigh of relief come from Bryce. Ohm couldn’t help but smile. He enjoyed the warmth that bryce gave off. But his enjoyment quickly turned to fear as his phone rang in his back pocket. He nearly fell out of the bed trying to grab the phone quick enough as to not disturb Bryce. He quickly got it and answered it. “Hello?” He asked quietly, looking over at Bryce and noticing that he was still asleep. “Hey Ohm!” The shrill voice hurt his ear as slight anger bubbled up inside of him. “Samantha, why do you still have my number?” It was his ex girlfriend calling him. “I just wanted to call! Is that so wrong to do?” Ohm just sighed, turned away from Bryce, and sat at the edge of the bed. “That didn’t answer my question. Why do you still have my number? We broke up 3 months ago.” Ohm sighed again, feeling annoyed already. “Well, I was wondering if maybe we could get back together?” Ohm laughed at what she said. “You want to get back together? Really? Oh, and what guy will you cheat on me with this time?” Ohm said in a bitter tone. “Baby, that was-” “Don’t call me “baby”, alright? And don’t say that was an accident. Cheating, isn’t an accident.” Before Samantha could say anything, Ohm hung up. He made sure to turn off the sound, and set it on the bedside table. He carefully laid back down next to Bryce, being careful not to wake him up. Ohm sighed heavily, not wanting to remember the past with Samantha, but that was all he could think about now. He felt slight tears in his eyes. He quickly wiped them away. He felt Bryce moving around next to him. He looked over and noticed Bryce was waking up. Ohm felt nervous, so he started to get up to leave but Bryce grabbed his arm. Ohm looked back at him quickly and saw the sleepy smile that was dancing on Bryce’s lips. “I thought you said you weren’t going to leave.” Ohm sat there, wide-eyed. He felt a bit embarassed, so he looked away. “You can lay back down if you want. I needed to talk to you anyway.” Bryce said while letting go of Ohm’s arm. Ohm sighed, trying to calm his accelerating heartbeat. He slowly laid back down next to Bryce and turned towards him. “What did you need to talk to me about?” Bryce smiled. “I wanted to ask you something.” Ohm felt like his heart was about to burst out of his chest. He looked at Bryce in curiosity. Bryce chuckled a bit. “I was wondering if you liked me.” Ohm felt his face heat up. “D-do you mean like as a friend, or more?” “Yeah as a friend.” Bryce said with a playful roll of his eyes. “Of coure I’m asking if you like me more than a friend!” He said, giggling. Ohm felt a smile form on his face. “Before I tell you, close your eyes.” Bryce looked at Ohm with a bit of confusion. “Just trust me.” Ohm said, smiling. Bryce did as he was asked, and closed his eyes. Ohm sighed, trying to calm himself. He leaned in loser to Bryce, until their lips met. It was a short and sweet kiss, but still amazing. “O-okay, you can open your eyes now.” Ohm said. He felt his face heat up as Bryce looked at him with a smile. “I really like you Bryce. To be honest, I love you. A lot.” Bryce smiled more and leaned in, kissing Ohm. He soon leaned back and grinned. “I love you too, Ohm!” Ohm smiled widely. “Wanna spend the day sleeping and cuddling?” Bryce suggested. Ohm chuckled a bit. “That sounds like a great idea.”

(A/n) Sorry if it sucked bleh

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