Terrornuckel - Anxiety

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(A/n) I really don't know if Brock has bad anxiety when in crowds but in a video of gmod guess who when a bunch of NPC's were trapping him in the doorway, he started to freak out and it gave me the idea for this. Okay, hope you enjoy!

Brock looked around and the ammount of people around him. He couldn't walk two steps without running into someone. It started to make him very nervous. He felt his chest tighen up as his anxiety took over. He closed his eyes, feeling his breath quicken. He's always hated being in crowds. He opened his eyes again and noticed a few people staring at him. He smiled awkwardly and tried to walk through the crowd. "Why does there have to be so many people at the mall today?!" He thought to himself as he walked between people. Without warning, something had pushed him from behind, causing him to fall. People quickly walked around him. He felt an anxiety attack build up. His palms became sweaty as his heart raced. His chest felt tight and it was hard to breathe. He heard someone behind him. It was a familiar voice. "You alright there? I didn't mean to run into you." He felt someone place their hand on his shoulder. He looked over to see his friend Brian, whos face lit up at the sight of Brock. Brian smiled awkwardly. "Sorry for running into you Brock." Brock smiled as well. "It's fine. I wasn't really paying attention either." Brian helped Brock up off the ground, and Brock thanked him quickly. Brock still felt like he couldn't breathe, since they were pretty much in the middle of the crowd. "You okay Brock?" Brian asked him. Brock nodded slightly, but sighed. He didn't want to lie. "Actually, no. I'm not okay. I really don't like crowds..." Brock looked around himself at the people who were trying to get through the large crowd. Brian smiled and grabbed one of Brock's hands. "Well then come on! I'll get you out of here!" Brock smiled and let Brian lead the way. Brock kept his eyes towards the ground, not wanting to accidentally make awkward eye contact with anyone. Soon enough, him and Brian were out of the crowd and Brock felt so much better. "Thank you Brian." He said as Brian turned around while letting go of his hand. "No problem. What kind of friend woyld I be if I didn't help you in situations like that?" Brock couldn't help but chuckle a bit. "I'm glad I have a friend like you."

(A/n) Sorry that i haven't updated for a while and this chapter is short and maybe a little shitty but i tried i'm sorry. This week is the last weej of school for me so that's why there haven't been a lot of updates. That and no motivation. I'm sorry about that. I get stressed easy then i get no motivation and then i lay around all day feeling really depressed. But enough about my personal problems. I'm really going to try to update more often. But tgere won't be any updates this coming weekend till like tuesday if i have a nything written by then. I get to go camping! Alright, i've probably made you bored by now. I hope you wnjoyed this story.

P.s. If there are typos I apologize. I'll probably revuse this later. And even then there will probably be a few.

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