Laughing jack x child!reader

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it was a marvelous night. Your family had taken you out to the carnival, and you were having a blast. You towed your mother around by the hand, watching all of the clowns, and jugglers, gawking at the sword swallowers and flame dancers with childish glee. 

You stayed at the carnival until the shadows began to lengthen and the moon woke for her shift watching the world, and your parents started growing uncomfortable. To you, the clowns and performers were magicians and magical beings from another realm, but your parents noticed that when the sun laid down its weary head, the actors and sideshow performers became gaunt and eerie. their eyes seemed hollow, and their cheeks were sunken in, their skin was ghostly pale and they moved with jerky, unnatural movements. But to you, they retained their earlier whimsical powers, and still enthralled you.

"Look mommy! Another clown!" You cried, jumping up and down excitedly as you pointed to a spindly clown dressed in monochrome black and white, he had a pointed, swirled nose, and a wide, comical smile that revealed rows of sharks teeth, his limbs were long and inhuman, and his eyes were deranged. "Alright honey, go say hi real quick before we go, it's getting late." Your mother said, releasing your tiny hand and letting you race over to the strange entertainer.

"Why hello little child! What might your name be?" The tall being said, crouching down to be at your level as you smiled up at him in wonder, "I'm (y/n), nice to meet you!" You exclaimed, holding out your tiny hand in greeting, making the ghostly pale clown giggle madly before he too reached his clawed hand out and shook yours firmly, his massive hand engulfing your chubby limb as he continued to giggle. 

"Well, (y/n), why don't you come with me and i will show you a marvelous magic trick, how about it?" He said, holding out a handful of candy while gesturing towards a large, tattered tent that seemed as if it had remained untouched by any living person for years until now. Your smile faltered slightly as you glanced back to your parents, unsure as to what to do.

"I'm sorry mister clown, but my parents told me to never go with a stranger." You said sadly, your (e/c) eyes beginning to well up with tears as your heart ached with longing to join the friendly clown. The strange being made a face of comic surprise as he slapped his forehead with shock, sending candy flying into his long, matted black hair and the plumage that decorated his shoulders, "Well how silly of me! I haven't told you my name, no wonder i am a stranger to you!" He cried, an expression of mock horror still on his face as he stood to his full, lanky height. "I am called laughing Jack, little one, pleased to meet you!" He said, bowing elegantly to you with a large smile. 

You giggled and plucked one of the candies from his shoulder feathers, looking at the colorful swirls that decorated the wrapping paper. "There, now that we are no longer strangers would you join me?" He said with a small giggle. You smiled brightly up at him and popped the candy into your mouth before grabbing onto one of his claws so that he could lead you to the creepy tent that stood in the darkest corner of the colorful circus, matching his dull, monochrome color scheme. While you walked, the world swirled and swayed in front of you, Jack was now full of rainbow colors and flowers were erupting from him as if he were a volcano.

"After you!" He said, holding the bouncing curtain open so that you could enter the unknown shadows of the tent. You giggled and went into the darkness, watching the shadows come alive with colorful lights and dancing mice on unicycles that were painted a multitude of colors, every piece of furniture had a cartoon face on it and the ground came alive with beautiful forms that danced like ballerinas in the multi-colored light. It was beautiful!

 jack directed you to a wooden chair that stood in the middle of the open space, and once you were seated, he began pulling colorful ribbons from his sleeves, juggling knives, and making doves appear out of nowhere. You laughed and applauded loudly as his show continued for hours and hours. You were having so much fun that you never wanted to leave!

The next morning came on silent paws, casting its gray light on your mother as she wept openly into your father's chest, beside them stood a sullen cop who was breaking the news to your parents. The old tent that stood lopsided with its faded colors bustled with policemen who were clearing debris out of the forgotten big top. You laid in the middle of the shadowy litter, curled up like a sleeping kitten with a large smile on your blood covered face.

Hey there! i thought i would update at least once more for you guys to make up for the long hiatus. I hope you enjoyed, and if you have any suggestions, please tell me! I appreciate all of your help. Peace!

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