Zalgo x Child reader

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Okay, I dunno much about Zalgo, I tried to do some research, but could still find only that his mouths sing death songs. So, I am going to use what I know about demons to write this, and, as a warning, I will not be using (f/n) or anything like that, I'm going to make up some girls. Sorry. Anyway, I hope you enjoy it nonetheless.

fifteen-year-olds really should be careful with what they do with their friends. You learned this the hard way. 

You were fifteen years old, freshly moved from Texas to LA and desperate for friends. Being a studious and strictly religious girl, you were not really a social person, so that left you with little to no friends or acquaintances. However, when your conservative, God-fearing father moved you from Texas to your new home in LA for a better religious school, and you left what few people you knew, what ended up happening was both beautiful and terrifying.

Due to being raised in a strict home, you started off well-behaving daughter that did everything she could to not agitate her father, especially after your mother divorced him. When that happened, he became even more restrictive, forbidding you from talking to a boy under any circumstances without your father around, or even looking at a boy. This tightening of the rules caused you to become even more of a recluse, staying in your room to doodle and do schoolwork, the only time you went out for great lengths was to go to school. 

Now, your school was a very restrictive all-girls establishment, full of iron rod nuns with beady, judging eyes that burned into your soul. The school was run by a very upright man who would suspend a girl for wearing to 'provocative' of a hairstyle, or lip gloss, and though your father thought it was the best place in the world for you, the place made you feel sick with guilt and uncomfortable. However, it was the only place you had made some friends. These friends of yours consisted of a preppy blonde, named Tiffany, who acted innocent when at school but when you were alone was ready to party and drink if she could, a chubby redhead named, Sarah, who was repeatedly told by the nuns and the principal that she was falling in to gluttony at every turn, and, of course, there was Annabelle, a curvy girl with choppy black hair, a bad attitude, and a fascination with the more gothic side of religion. You had met these three at lunch on your third day of school, Annabelle had called you over and introduced you to the others, after that they absorbed you into their group, took you out on adventures to the corner store, ice cream parlor, and other places, befriended your father so that he trusted them to take care of you, and felt safe leaving you home alone with the girls. However, that was a mistake.

Ever since you moved to LA and met these girls, they had taught you many things, of course, they were not always the lessons that your father preached, but they still taught you things. Tiffany taught you the names of alcohols, how to tell the potency of the liquor, and even convinced you to take a shot of some bourbon she had somehow gotten over the weekend, Sarah had taught you how to cook, and Anabelle, Anabelle had taught you a lot of things, including the names of demons, the signs of possession, the tools needed for a summoning, and even how to kiss. All of this happened on weekends when your father was out of the house for work, so he was none the wiser to your exposure to sin. 

One weekend, your father was gathering some clothes, running around in search of things he needed, explaining as he did, 
           "Now I'll be gone until Tuesday, I expect you to keep your prayers up, every night and at every meal, go to school, and don't go anywhere without your friends, I don't want you meeting any unsavory folk on the roads." He said, searching around for his shaving tools before finding them with a small "Aha!" and putting them into his bag. As he went up to his room to get his toothbrush, you went to answer the door, where your friends were standing, dressed conservatively with bright smiles on all of their faces, 
           "Hello (y/n)! We're here to spend the three day weekend with you! I brought a board game!" Annabelle sang, holding out a biblical version of guess who as your father came down. He glanced at the board game and nodded in approval before kissing your head and heading out of the front door. 

You and your friends all waved and wished him goodbye before they all headed inside. The four of you sat in the living room, talking about school for a total of twenty minutes before the three were sure your father was gone. The instant they nodded and gave the signal, Anabelle pulled off her thickly knitted sweater and revealed her spaghetti strap shirt that had a red bat on it, Tiffany did the same, changing into a strapless tube top that hugged her curves perfectly, Sarah just made a beeline for the pantry, dropping the conservative cover and just showed that she was in some shorts beneath her skirt, and a t-shirt under her turtleneck.  

"like what you see?~" Anabelle sang, noticing that you were staring at her cleavage, 
        "W-what?! oh god, no! I-I would never sin like that! I was just looking at the design on your shirt!" You argued, feeling your cheeks light up like a bonfire as she laughed and smiled, 
        "Oh don't be so puritan! It's alright if you enjoy my figure," Anabelle said, winking at you as you gaped at her, at a loss for words, until Sarah sat down with a cupcake package she had found. 
        "Anyway," Tiffany said, further breaking the tension you felt as she rummaged through a bag that you hadn't noticed at first until she pulled out a small box of one-shot alcohol bottles, "Are we gonna play this game or not?" she said, opening the box and floating her hand over the selection of miniature liquor bottles as Anabelle put the board game on the table and opened it. to your surprise, instead of some game pieces and bright colors, there was an Ouija board and a planchette. 
          "What are we going to do with that?" you asked, getting a bit nervous at the thought of summoning a demon in your own house. 
          "We're going to talk to the dead~" Anabelle sang, smiling at you with lights in her eyes, "Come on, you have to join us, it'll be fun!" She promised when she saw the anxious look in your (e/c) eyes. You knew deep down that this was a horrible idea, but the light in her chocolate colored eyes made it impossible for you to resist, so you nodded. 

Anabelle smiled and leaned over, hugging you and kissing your cheek, making your cheeks heat up once more as she brushed her fluffy black hair out of her eyes and ran through the rules. When all four of you were up to date, you proceeded to start the game and ask some questions. you found out that yes, there was a ghost or spirit in the house, it was a he, and he was about as old as time. 

Finally, Annabelle asked the big question, 
         "Can you show yourself to us?" and there was no sign of life other than the four of you, however, after a moment, there was a large explosion of fire behind Anabelle and Tiffany. All four of you shrieked, jumping out of your seats and scrambling to the opposite side of the room. The demon who you had summoned was tall, about eight or nine feet tall, he was almost all black, save for the red insides of his many mouths, some of which were singing some strange songs in languages you had never heard, he had large horns, talons, and blood red eyes. 

the demon looked at each of you, watching as Sarah cowered on the floor, Tiffany chugged her alcohol, and you hugging Annabelle tightly for protection, 
        "Why was I summoned?" He growled in a low voice that echoed as if multiple people were talking at the same time, making it both raspy and smooth somehow. 
        "to answer my question," Anabelle said firmly, not looking scared at all, 

        "Than ask," He said, so Anabelle went into it, 
        "What is your name?" she asked,
        "Zalgo, ruler of the underworld,"
        "I am not going to ask why we summoned you," Anabelle said, "but, i was wondering, can you kill my family?" She continued, making all three of you gasp,
        "What?! Why would you want that?!" Tiffany shrieked, but Anabelle ignored her, listening to the demon, 
        "Favors require payment, something just as valuable," Zalgo said, 
        "You can take my soul," she offered, but the massive demon shook his head, 
        "No, not important enough to you, but your little friend's soul, that will do," He said, reaching out for you, but Anabelle grabbed you and stepped out of his reach as much as she could, 

          "No deal!" She said so the demon seemed to shrug, 
          "Then no favor," He said, and with that, he disappeared, you had no clue why you didn't really care why you just knew that you no longer liked religious things. With shaking knees, you hugged Anabelle tighter, no longer denying your growing feelings, 
           "I think I'm gay," you confessed, 
           "I know," Anabelle said, patting your head, 

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