Jane x child!reader

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So, this one is going to be a bit weird for me, Jane isn't known to kill people, or at least I would think that she wouldn't, seeing as she hates Jeff, who is a killer. So, if this isn't the best part, forgive me for that, but I kinda neglect the females in the creepypasta fandom, so let me show this girl some love. Anywho, I hope you enjoy!

The darkness of night was your favorite thing in the world. Unlike most of the children at your school, who teased you for your old, ratty clothes, your patched together backpack, or anything else they could find, the night never harmed you, it just gave you a time where there was no soul to torment you for your family's lack of money, a time where you felt safe playing out on your back porch with the moon alone keeping an eye on you while your parents worked late. For these peaceful reasons, you adored the night. 

One night, in particular, was your favorite, it was the night that you met your best friend. You were at the age of five, your parents were once again working late, so you went ahead and brushed your teeth, put your (h/l), (h,c) up and changed into your night clothes before crawling into bed to sleep. You didn't dream, at least, not the first time you fell asleep, after a few hours you were jolted awake by the soft thunk of your bedroom window as it closed. At first, you thought that it was your mother or father checking your window, or maybe you had left it open by mistake somehow, but as you waited for a long moment, the sound of footsteps never reached your ears, so you rolled over and looked around the room sleepily. 

The room was silent save for the soft clatter of the tree in your yard rapping at your wall to be let in, the shadows in the room danced in and out of your blurry sight as you scanned your toys and the corners of your room for life. Eventually, when your eyes had finally focused, a figure seemed to blend into the darkest corner of your room, making you have to squint to see a proper outline. 
        "Mama?" You asked, recognizing the figure as a female, but you were still unsure as to the specifics. The woman laughed a bit, 
       "No child, I am not your mother," The woman said softly, stepping slightly into the light until you could see the pale, delicate-looking mask that she wore that had dark lips painted on in a small, tiny smile. 
       "Where is my mama?" You asked, throwing your feet over the side of the bed and yawning as you looked the woman over. As well as seeing her face better, you could also see that her skin looked as if it had been bleached, but there was also something off about her skin, you couldn't place it, but despite the odd feeling, you smiled at her, excited at the chance to maybe have a friend. 

After you and this beautiful woman spoke for a while longer, she tucked you into bed, pat your head, and wished you a good night before opening your window again and crawling through to leave. With a small smile and the gentle chirping of the crickets, you faded off to sleep once more, this time your mind dancing with the woman you had met, your friend Jane. 

The next morning when your parents got up, you told them about the encounter while your mom got you dressed and herded you out to the car. The whole way to school you chattered about your friend like a young bird in springtime, staring out of the window at the buildings, trees, and pedestrians that zoomed by. Then, like the shock of a battery, you saw a boy who looked to be in his teenage years with long, ratty black hair and snowy skin, but what caught your eye was his mouth. Unlike Jane, his mouth was horribly puckered and scarred, and, again unlike Jane, you could point the absurdly distracting flaw out in an instant. While Jane had explained that she was covered in horrible scars from burns, but those weren't extremely noticeable on the parts of her skin that you saw, however, on this boy, his face gave you nightmares.

The day blurred by as the sight of the stranger stuck in your mind like a burr, the insults your classmates threw at you about your looks didn't phase you, you were too used to it. When you returned home after school the neighborhood kids yelled profanities at you, brutally jabbing into your self-esteem, bragging that they had better toys than you did, better clothes, and a better house, but you ignored them and went inside, locking your door behind you. The rest of your day was swarmed with the disturbed thoughts that fill your mind. When your beloved night fell, the feeling of unease never ceased, when you tried to go to sleep your mind refused to rest, it kept flashing nightmarishly disfigured images of that boy in your mind every time you closed your eyes. 

At eleven o' clock you got up and got a glass of water, hoping to clear your mind so that you could get to sleep before the next day of school, and thankfully, it seemed to work. With a sigh of relief you went back up to bed and went to crawl into your bed, but something didn't seem right. Scanning your room you found that your window was wide open, the gentle, cool breeze of the night tickling your curtains ever so slightly, but this time you were sure that you had shut it. An ice cicle of dread stabbed into your heart within seconds, and you felt your body begin to shake almost violently. You turned to get up and run, but like the strike of a snake, a pale, snowy hand snatched you back and covered your mouth, the arm that was connected to it holding you down while the stranger hushed you in a demented, sing-song voice. 
         "Hush, little one," He purred with sick glee, "I'm going to make you smile, and add to your beauty!" He squealed, brandishing a gleaming silver knife at your face, continuing to hold you still as you thrashed and screamed for help, but it was no use, your parents were at work all night. You screamed more when the cold steel of the knife teased your neck and your tormentor giggled sickly. 

Thankfully, before he could go any further, someone yanked him away and you curled up into a tight, panicked ball while your savior fought and wrestled with your tormentor for the longest time, things crashing and breaking while you sobbed. Then, just as quickly as it started, your room was quiet, and the only sound besides your crying was the huffing and puffing of someone else. The person took a deep breath and walked over, picking you up, 
        "Hush (y/n)! It's me!" Jane said, avoiding your flailing limbs and holding you until you settled and wept onto her shoulder, hugging her like a stuffed toy to give you comfort. "Shhhh, don't worry, he's gone," She cooed, patting you back as you cried. When you were done crying she brought you downstairs and sat you down, calling the cops to report the break-in before sitting with you before she heard the distant sound of the police sirens. By the time the cops got there, you were sitting on the couch, sobbing and shaking in shock.

Before the month was up you were taken away from your parents due to neglect and were instead sent to a family that took good care of you from that day on. As time passed you coped with the trauma and adjusted better, but you never forgot who had saved you, nor did you lose your love of the night. Now the light of the moon was comforting, despite what had happened in those dark, shadowy hours, the night was still that time where you could relax and not have people questioning you, or bothering you. 

Okay, I hope this was at least somewhat adequate. I tried my best with this character, so I hope you enjoyed. Peace!

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