Elliot Stabler

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You sighed as you looked at the clock on the wall. It was already 10 and Elliot was supposed to be home an hour ago. You and Elliot met during your sister's case a few years ago and he asked you out after everything was settled. "Calm down, (Y/N). He's probably just finishing up a case or something." You whispered as you stood up to stretch. You were getting ready to head upstairs when the doorbell rang. You stoped and listened. The doorbell rang again and you sighed. You walked back down the stairs and up to the front door. You looked through the peephole but saw nothing. You shrugged and turned around only to be met with the barrel of a gun. "Nice to see you again, (Y/N)." You cringed; it was your ex-boyfriend, Jason. "H-how did you get in here?" He chuckled. "A magician never reveals their secrets. Come now, into the living room we go." You slowly made your way back into the living room and took a seat. Jason took a seat next to you and wrapped his arm around your shoulders. "Isn't this nice? I miss this so much, (Y/N)." You felt something in your pocket and realized it was your phone. You slowly slid your hand down into your pocket, pulled your phone out, and laid it next to you. "Why did you leave me, baby?" You smelled the booze on him and you tried not to vomit. "Because you beat me, Jason." He scoffed. You looked down quickly and dialed Elliot's number. "Well if you weren't so defiant then I wouldn't have had to punish you." He readjusted and pointed the gun at your stomach. "Don't you miss me? I was after all your first, wasn't I?" You cringed and felt bile rise in your throat. "You raped me. It doesn't count." He chuckled. "Does Elliot know?" You stiffened. "He does now." You mumbled. "What did you say?" You felt your pulse quicken. "I said yes, he does." You felt yourself start to tear up. "Now (Y/N), you know I hate it when you cry. I'm gonna have to punish you now." He pushed your shirt up and started to climb on top of you. "No, no please! I don't want this! Stop! Elliot!" He chuckled and placed a kiss on your neck. "Elliot can't help you now." "You wanna bet?" He quickly turned and aimed his gun at Elliot, who was standing there ready to shoot. "Well look who's decided to join the party." You whimpered as he climbed off you. "Don't go anywhere sweetheart or I'll blow your brains out." You sat there and stared at both of them. "Come on, buddy. Put the gun down and let's talk, man to man." Jason shook his head. "You took my girl. That makes you the farthest thing from a man." As Jason made the move to pull the trigger, a gunshot rang out from behind you. You covered your ears and turned into the couch. You felt a hand touch you and you freaked. You tried fighting whoever it was. "(Y/N)! (Y/N) it's Elliot. Baby, it's me." You stopped and looked at him before breaking down into sobs. He pulled you into him and whispered sweet nothings into your ear. "I don't know how he got in. And then he held the gun at me and he was gonna, he was gonna-" "Shhh, it's okay. He's not gonna hurt you again." You looked behind him and saw Jason laying on the floor in a pool of blood. "Oh god, I'm gonna be sick." You covered your mouth. Elliot picked you up and covered your eyes as you rushed out to the front of the house. He set you down and you heaved up whatever was in your stomach. Once finished, Elliot pulled you back into his arms. You saw people running around and there were cop cars and ambulances everywhere. "He didn't hurt you, did he?" You pulled back and wiped your eyes. "No, you got here before he could do anything." He sat down on the lawn and pulled you into his lap. You both sat there in silence, just enjoying each other's company. "Why didn't you tell me?" He whispered. You turned your head to look at him and saw his eyes filled with hurt. "Tell you what?" "What he did to you?" You sighed and ran a hand down his cheek. "I was afraid you would think differently of me if I told you. I mean you deal with this stuff every day and I didn't want you to treat me like a victim." "I would never think of you any different than the woman I fell in love with." He kissed you and you smiled. "I love you, Elliot." "I love you too. Now let's go see if we can crash anywhere." You giggled as he helped you up off the lawn. He wrapped an arm around your waist and you both walked off to face the world- together.

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