Nick Amaro

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So sorry it's taken so long to update!! Work has been kicking my butt and the transition into college isn't any easier, but here I am and I'm going to do my best to update more often!!  Don't forget to vote and comment!!

"Mommy, when's dad coming home?" You looked down from the towel you were folding and saw your 5 year old daughter, Sophie, shuffle into the laundry room with her favorite blanket dragging behind her; you looked at your watch and saw it was 11 o'clock and you sighed. "Come here, baby." You said as you kneeled down. She walked into your arms and you picked her up; she nestled into your arms and you quietly sung her a lullaby while slowly carrying her back to her room. By the time you walked into Sophie's room, she was fast asleep in your arms and you smiled at how serene and innocent she looked. You tucked her in and kissed her forehead before quietly making your way out of her room and back to the mountain of laundry waiting for you. You knew Nick was dealing with a particularly demanding case if he wasn't home by now and it broke your heart to see Sophie like this but you knew Nick loved his job and was beyond passionate about protecting his city. You supported him, of course, but you just wished that he'd use the rare free days he had with his family. You were pulled out of your thoughts by the sound of the front door opening and closing. You poked your head around the corner and saw Nick making his way towards you; you took in the bags under his eyes, how his hair was disheveled, and his clothes a mess. You sighed in relief and walked all the way around the corner. He looked up and saw you, a look of concern on his face. "Hey baby, did I wake you?" You shook your head and looked down. You heard his footsteps approach you before you felt his hand under your chin and gently lift your head. He stared into your eyes and you did everything not to squirm under his gaze. "What's wrong, (Y/N)?" You sighed and wrapped your arms around his midsection while resting your head on his chest. "Nothing, baby. I just missed you." You whispered. He placed his hands on your waist and pulled you closer to him, his head nestled in the crook of your neck. "I missed you too." "Did you catch the guy?" He placed a soft kiss on your throat. "Yeah, we did. It took us forever but we got him and Olivia gave me tomorrow off." You lifted your head up and looked at him. "That's great! Maybe we can all do something as a family? Sophie's been mentioning that she wants to see the zoo or maybe we can go to the park?" You said with a smile. He sighed and took a step back. "I don't think I'll make it tomorrow. I was hoping that I could sleep in a little and then maybe grab a few drinks with Fin." You stared at him in shock. "Are you kidding right now?" He looked at you confused. "What?" You felt your blood boil. "This is one of the rare free days you have and you would rather spend it with someone you see everyday as opposed to your family?" He rolled his eyes. "Here we go..." That was the last straw. "You've got a lot of fucking nerve saying that to me, Nicolas. Did you know that Sophie has been asking about you nonstop for the past couple of days? She always asks when you're coming home because she wants to tell you how her day was, she wants you to tell her a bedtime story, she wants to have her father in her life! I get that your job is demanding but what I don't get is why you choose your coworkers over your family every time you get a day off. We miss you, Nick, and  I can't take this anymore." You whisper-yelled so as not to wake Sophie up. He just stared at you; it was very rare that you got worked up about anything. "What do you mean?" You sat down on the couch. "If you're going to continue to put your family on the back burner, we're leaving." He quickly walked around and kneeled in front of you. "(Y/N), you don't really mean that..." You looked up at him, your face as serious as ever. "Does it look like I don't mean it." The look on his face broke your heart but he had to know you weren't playing around. He leaned forward and rested his head in your lap; you were so shocked at the action that you froze. "Nick?" You rested your hand on his shoulder and could feel it shaking slightly. You listened closer and could hear him sobbing quietly; it was very, very rare that Nick ever cried. "Nick?" You asked again softly. He looked up at you and you wanted to cry yourself. "I'm so sorry, (Y/N). You're right about everything. I haven't been the father that Sophie needs me to be and for that, I've let you down. But I promise that I will be the father that Sophie needs me to be and I will be the husband that you deserve because God knows you deserve the world. You and Sophie are my world, baby, and I'm going to fight everyday to prove that to you. Tomorrow, I'm gonna get up early and make some pancakes and then I'm gonna get Sophie ready so you don't have to worry about it and then we are all going to go to the zoo as a family." At some point, you had started crying and you were frantically trying to wipe the tears from your face. Nick nudged your hands away and wiped your tears away before placing a kiss to each of your closed eyes and finally resting his forehead on yours. "I love you more than humanly possible. Don't you ever forget that." He whispered before kissing you. The kiss was filled with so much desperation and passion that it made your body feel numb. He smiled and picked you up bridal style before walking to the room you two share. He laid you down on the bed before stripping down to his boxers and climbing in next you. He wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you to his chest before placing a kiss behind your ear. "Goodnight my beautiful wife." You smiled. "Goodnight my incredibly handsome husband."

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