Chapter 10

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Braxton had announced another break right after Annabeth and I left the stage. It was now getting to me that I was going to perform after Frank, and Frank was surprisingly holding himself together. He wasn't pacing back and forth like I had expected him to do. He wasn't rambling and he wasn't getting the last minute practice everyone did before performing. It was strange to say the least but not the strangest I've seen. He was, however, practicing our surprise finale song, going over the lyrics and humming the tune to himself.

I wondered was was going on in that baby-faced Chinese-Canadian man. So, very inconspicuous-like, I learned that word from Annie, I walked to him and sat on the armchair across Frank. He didn't notice me or even look up when I called his name, "Frank, dude." Didn't answer.

Tapped his shoulder, didn't answer.

"Frank, my guy," I lightly kicked his shin. "You in there or are you on Planet X?"

"Huh? Oh, sorry, Perce," Frank smiled his signature shy-grin and rubbed the back of his neck. "I was just going over the lyrics for the end of show song, don't wanna mess it up, ya'know?"

I nodded my head. "That's not the only thing you're worried about, is it?"

He shook his head. "It is. I know this song inside and out, so I'm not worried about my performance. And, to be honest, I didn't want to be in the show, but when Apollo called on my name I just blurted out the first thing that popped in my head and here I am."


"But how are you holding up? You're going on after me and you're going up with a guitar."

Sighing, I ran my hand through my hair. It had been a while since I played a guitar, learning it after school last year for fun with Paul, but I was nervous. Performing on stage was getting terrifying for me the longer the night went on and I don't want to make a fool of myself. And yeah, I was just on stage with Annabeth, but I wasn't the one to sing. Playing the piano or playing come kind of instrument was easier than singing. So many things could go wrong when singing, my voice could crack, I could forget the words, the Apollo cabin could mess up the music, though highly unlikely. It was just so vulnerable to be by yourself for everyone to see, and I don't like it.

Also, not to mention that my dad was somewhere in the crowd. He has never, ever seen me sing and I m pretty sure he was thoroughly surprised when he saw me play piano not to long ago and when Annabeth and I swing-danced in Jason's performance.

It was nerve wracking.

"I'm alright," I lied.

"That's good," Frank put down the music sheet. "Anyway, I have to go up now, which me luck."

I raised a thumbs up to him and gave him a "break a leg" before reading the sheet music. It was something to keep my head busy and somewhat distracted from my song I was going to sing.

On the tv screen Frank walked on to center stage where the six other stood. Microphone in hand and a casual smile displayed on his lips before beginning his song. It was quite surprising to hear Frank singing voice, a tad higher than everyone expected, but he didn't care. He stood his ground and performed to the audience like he's done it many times before. "Upon a hill across a blue lake, that's where I had my first heartbreak, I still remember how it all changed."

"My father said," Frank shoved his hand empty hand in his pocket as he stepped forward towards the edge of the stage. " 'Don't you worry, don't you worry child. See heaven's got a plan for you.

"Don't you worry, don't you worry now. Yeah." The music picked up and gave a happy beat and little kids danced to the song. It was just like Hazel's song. A happy beat and melody but a tad bit depressing lyrics. But still he sung his song with pride and didn't care who was watching or who liked his song. Frank gave a commanding presence to the audience, it wasn't overbearing and nor was it demanding, it was like 'hey, look at me. I don't care what you think right now.' Maybe it was because he was a praetor and he just naturally gave off that vibe because of it.

When the music quieted down, Frank brought the mic up to continue. "There was a time, I met a girl of a different kind."

"We ruled the world," He sang and watched the judges, I didn't know who was the judges, they changed them for each category, making sure they were paying attention to him. But they weren't really. Their heads were looking down to the papers they had on the table, pens or pencils in their hands writing down their thoughts on Franks' performance. "I thought I'd never loose her out of sight."

Frank's song was nearing its end even though he just started the second verse, and I forced myself to look away from the tv to tune up the guitar Marian had let me use. A dark blue acoustic guitar that was carefully polished and tended to. No scratches or dents in the bodies' wood. New strings ran down it's neck and pulled taught for the perfect sound.

I wanted to go back and watch Frank on stage. I wanted to sit back down on the couch and see him sing the words "See heaven's got a plan for you" during the bridge. To be with my friends who've already performed and not care about being in front of the judges and the stares of the crowd. But I can't. I have to sit on a stool near the instruments and tune the already tuned guitar. But as I sat down Frank belched out the last "Yeah!" of the song and I knew it was my turn.

Everyone turned from the tv and smiled at me. Hands giving me thumbs up, words of good luck carry though the tent. Annabeth hugs me tight and says to me what I said to him, "Break a leg."

"I will," I kiss her forehead and trade places with Frank.

On stage behind Braxton was a high stool and a mic stand, center stage, under a bright spotlight. I didn't get to see the crowd when I was on stage before but now that I'm here, man is it terrifying. They all looked at me. Expectant. Waiting for me to pour my feelings and my skills to them, their eyes staring holes through me. Then I looked to the table at the top of the amphitheater seats. Three people sat behind the red covered table, Juniper was chosen and sat in the middle, her green chloroplast eyes watching me with disinterest. To her right was Hercules, his scruffy beard looked unkept and his bare feet left white sand on the seats under him. He too, looked disinterested. The last judge was Dakota from my cohort in Camp Jupiter, his black hair fell on his eyes and his hand was clenched to the tall stein filled to the brim with his signature red kool-aid.

"Performing Perfect by Simple Plan," Braxton said and extended his hand to where I was walking out on stage. "Here is Percy Jackson!"

The crowd roared with cheers as I sat on the stool.

Words: 1264

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