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Hello there, first: thank you very much for reading me.

I just want to tell you first that Fruits Basket is a manga that means a lot to me, for reasons I won't write here because it would be too boring and here is not what it is about, my point is: I will try my best to give justice to this wonderful story.

I will try to write what I imagine could be what happens after the last manga (it will actually entirely be based on the manga and not on the anime.) but before the epilogue with Tohru and Kyo's grandchildren.

To be honest, I'm writing this story as it comes to my mind, I haven't prepared anything, even though I may have some ideas about the main storyline. What I mean is, I will start by introducing Kyo and Tohru's way of life because they are the first ones to 'move out' and it's what inspires me the most. And then I will try to write about everyone else, However, I don't know how, or when, or how much they will be featured. 

From then on, I would gladly read all of your comments if you want/have to make any, and I can also take suggestions. I really want to know what you guys could think of it so that would make me really happy to have your thoughts about my work. 

Finally, I would like to apologize if you find some mistakes during your read, for English is not my first language, but I will try my best. Sometimes I do like what I'm writing, and sometimes I do not. It usually takes a little time for me to really come up with something interesting, so please be patient.

Okay, I guess that is all I have to say. Thank you again, and I hope you will enjoy! 

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