If I could, I would have planned it that way (II)

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This time, it was the brown-haired girl that woke up before the red-haired boy. It was the first time they slept together in the same bed, as well as in the same room. Even though they were kind of uncomfortable at first, they soon became at-ease, especially when Kyo brought Tohru at his side so that he could sleep touching her. Kyo, like Tohru, was someone that always needed contact. They were a couple that needed to touch each other to feel good, nothing more. For them, holding hands was exceptionnal, it had nothing futile. Tohru, although she was awake, stayed in bed, walking her fingers on Kyo's chest. She knew that would not wake him up. When Ayame one time slid next to Kyo when he was sleeping, Kyo did not notice until he woke up, Tohru remembered. As this souvenir played in her mind, she crooked a slight smile. She did not plan on having such memories that early, but it did not affect her happiness, so she did not really mind. 

When Kyo opened his eyes, he immediately saw Tohru touching his body, smiling. And so, both of them blushed at the notice of the other. Kyo wondered when they would stop blushing at every move from their lover. 

«Good morning. - Kyo simply said

Hello! Have you slept well? - Tohru asked, smiling even more than before.

Actually, yes. I still can't believe I was so close to you and I did not turn into a cat. I mean, I'm still not very used to it.»

And, to go with what he had just said, he romantically grabbed Tohru, and rolled her on top of his body so that he could hug her tightly. He loved to feel that way, to hold her close and to still be himself, and not that sort of wicked monster. And he liked to think that if he had not hugged Tohru that special day, he would have never known he was free from the curse. Of course that was absoloutly not true, he would have known it anyway, but he liked to think so: that made him another reason to love Tohru more than anyone. 

«And you actually, did your night go well? No trouble sleeping in this new home? - Kyo asked.

In our own home! - Tohru corrected him. And no. I really feel comfortable in here it was a wonderful first night!»

Tohru kissed Kyo's lips softly. She was really good in this appartment. Actually, she was more than really good. She finally had a real home after that her mom died. She finally had 'her home' and more, she had her home with Kyo. She did not owe anything to anyone, she could not be happier.  After a while of chatting and laughing and maybe kissing again, they got up. Tohru made the breakfast and they prepared themselves to visit Kyo's future place of work. Yes, today was the day they were visiting the dojo, where Kyo would become a master for young children. 

That really made Tohru smile, to see Kyo so enthusiastic about this. And she was falling in love with him even more, now that she saw the way he took care of children. She would have never believed he would be at-ease with so many children, he was kind of stuck with Hiro and Kisa at that time, and he actually wasn't. But the children seemed to already like him when he was introduced and Tohru guessed it was thanks to Kyo's natural power to attract people. Yuki was so jealous of him for that reason she thought. It was kind of weird to have all these souvenirs, she thought she would not have the time to remember her 'ancient' life. She thought nostalgia would appear in her head after at least a month. But was it nostalgia? Anyway, she shook her head to re focus on Kyo.

«Is it what you really want to do? - She asked him very politely.

What do you mean? - He tilted his head to the side.

Teaching karate to young children. Was it your dream job? 

I can't really tell you. I could not really think of what I wanted to do in the future, you know I wasn't supposed to be free. But I guess ... If I could, I would have planned it that way, probably yeah. - He answered, smiling.»

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