You so deserve to be given more (I)

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The brown-haired girl was asleep, her head against the car's window. The red-haired boy was driving next to her, he was kind of anxious to drive, as he had just got his license, but he was determined to give the best of him. The pair had already been in this car for hours, they didn't count anymore. At a stop, Kyo turned his head to look at Tohru sleeping. She had a small smile on her face, maybe she was dreaming, but she was happy, Kyo thought, and that was what mattered the most to him at that moment. Indeed, he had been so afraid she would have accepted to leave even though that made her unhappy. He had actually been afraid taking part of his new life would make her lose her smile. However, he was now sure that she wanted to try this new life as well, and more importantly, he was now sure she wanted to be with him. Being there, next to her, free, smiling, rushing to a new home, for a new life, was something he thought he could never have. He was supposed to end his life in the cat house, restricted from all of life's pleasures. 

Tohru woke up when she did not feel the window vibrating anymore. Kyo had just stopped his car. 

«Are we... arrived? - Tohru asked

Yeah. - Kyo answered, half stressed out, half delighted

Already? - She asked again, rubbing her eyes, still slightly asleep

Ahah, yes! You have probably slept for two hours, you were not able to see the time flying.

Oh. I'm sorry! I should have taken you company! Excuse me Kyo ...

Don't be sorry about that, it's alright. I apologize for not waking you up to discover the surrondings. I didn't want to disturb you.

It's okay, I will have plenty of time for that! Now, I can't wait to see our new home! - Tohru said, grinning.»

She was now completely awake, and completely ready to discover what would be her new place of living for normally several years. She thought, that it was really nice of Akito to have bought Kyo and her a car. Maybe she has truly changed. When Tohru got off the car, she stood in front of a small building. There were no more than four floors, and it wasn't very large. If we analysed the architecture, we could guess that each floor was a single appartment. The stairs were outside, protected by a blue roof in case of rain and there were a door at every landing. Kyo grabbed Tohru's hand without even looking at it, and the pair started climbing up the stairs. (There is a drawing explaining how the building is on the right )

«We have the top flat. - Kyo told Tohru, still stressed out, he did not know what to expect of the appartment that his master helped him find.

Great! You will be able to medidate on the roof then. - She answered him, with a very happy smile.»

When they arrived at the last and fourth floor, Kyo slowly put his key into the lock. The couple took both a deep breath, and then, Kyo opened the door. As if they were on their tiptoes, they entered the room. The appartment was not really big. Actually, it was kind of small. There was the living room, with a television and a heating table in the center, and that was all. The kitchen was in the corner of the room, and was not separated from the living room. There were cupboards, obviously empty.  Then there were two doors. One led to the toilets, and the orther led to the bedroom where there were only a bed and a quite large closet and a last door, to go to the small bathroom. At least they had a bath and a sink. After their very short visit, they came back in the living room and Kyo finally let go of Tohru's hand to rub his head. 

« Don't look around like that - Kyo said, blushing. I know what you are thinking. I know it is little but ... I mean ... This is all I could afford. I'm very sorry.

What? - Tohru almost shouted, grabbing Kyo's shirt and looking at him right into his eyes. Don't say this. I really like it, it's very comfortable.

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