Chapter 4 // Snap

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"Send me it." she smiled.
"Okay, one sec!"
"Shit," Ayano looked at the time on her phone, "We should start walking."

And that we did. I remembered to bring a fold out umbrella from my house today so I could fit one in my locker just in case. While we were walking I noticed that Ayano had been shivering, so I took off my jacket and put it around her instead. She needed it more than I did.
"What are you doing?"
"Keeping you warm." I smiled. She pulled the jacket over herself a little more and snuggled into it. Cute.
"Thank you Budo."
"No problem Shadow."

Admittedly I was freezing without my jacket on, but I'd rather she was warm than I.
"Budo." she begun, "Why are you being so nice to me?"
"Hmm.. you intrigue me."
"All I did was be rude to you."
"I like it. Nobody really does that. Especially not girls. You're.. different. Intriguing."
"Alright lady's man geez."
"That's not what I-"
"I'm joking. I know you're not like that, but the girls sure do seem to like you." she smirked.
"I don't get it to be honest."
"Seriously!? You really are an idiot, aren't you?"
"Thanks." I laughed.
"I'm serious! You don't get it!?"
"No, I'm just an average guy." I shrugged.
"An average guy who has an above average personality."
"You're kind, helpful and caring to everyone. You're extremely strong. You're cute. You're-"
"Wait wait wait wait wait." I interrupted her, "What was that last one?"
"You're cute?"
"You think I'm cute?" I smiled.
"Obviously. Everyone does."
"..." all I could do was just silently look down with a blushing smile.
"Oh come on, don't start getting stuck up."
"That's not.. I just.. That's not what I expected to hear." I let out an embarrassed laugh.
"Don't act like you didn't know you're hot."
"WOW OKAY JESUS." I turned bright red, "You really know how to fluster a guy, huh!"
"What?" she shrugged, "I'm just an honest, straight to the point person."
"No kidding!" I laughed, "I mean I think you're flawless but I wouldn't just straight up say it out lou-" I paused, "Okay well I'm an idiot."
"Me?" she looked at me confused.
"..oh." she looked away, beginning to blush too.
"Ha." I smirked.
"Now we're even." I said poking her blushing cheek. "Hey?"
"Yeah?" she responded.
"Are you in a relationship?" I asked.
"That's not what I.."
"I'm joking." she smiled, "No, I'm not."
"Me neither."
"Why not? There are girls lining up to be with you."
"Okay number one, there's no way that's true. Number two, I just haven't found the right person yet."
"Hm." she though aloud. "Well, we're here.." she unwrapped herself from my jacket and gave it back to me.
"Thanks again, Budo."
"You're welcome, Ayano."
"Woaaaah did you just say my name?" she laughed.
"Gasp! I have sinned!" I played along.
"I am the one and only shadow don'tchaknow!" she poked me.
"Why of course. How dare I!"

"Senpai.. I made cookies for you.."
"Wow, thanks! These look great!"

Ayano stopped looking so playful and turned to where the conversation was happening angrily - not so much sarcastically like when we had met, but more hostile.
"Ayano, are you oka-"
"Not now Budo." she pushed me away, sitting next to the bush where Taro was talking to the cooking club leader. Amai I think was her name?

I started walking over to her and was about to start talking when she grabbed my hand quickly and pulled me on top of her in a rather 'strange' position. Before I could say a word she put her finger over my lips and continued listening to their private conversation.

"Sure Amai! I'll definitely drop by the cooking club at lunch time!" Taro said happily.
"That's great! I'll see you later then Senpai.."
"Bye for now." They both went their separate ways.

"What was that all about?" I whispered to Ayano.
"Can't you tell when someone's trying not to be seen? God." she said a little annoyed.
"I'm sorry.." I got off of her and stood up.
"It's fine." she sighed, "I got what I needed."
"What you needed? Ayano you're being.. different." I put my hand out for her.
"You said you liked that I'm different. Make up your mind." she took my hand and stood up.
"What's going on Ayano?" I asked seriously.

"I told you not to get involved with me Budo." she warned. Her mood had changed in a matter of minutes. She had been so playful and cute before, but now she was so serious and stern.
"Ayano you can't just-"
"Budo." she ended it. I didn't dare to speak after her. Amai must have done something to her.. this isn't like Ayano had been with me.

I had to do something. If you mess with someone I care about, you mess with me.


Budo, let me talk. This is where we parted, so I want to say what I did.

Go ahead, Ayano.

Okay, so..

A little while later when I had been to my locker and made sure Amai had returned to her club, I decided to go apologise to Budo. I didn't mean to snap at him like that; it just happened.

When I arrived I was greeted by Mina standing in place of him. Mina sat in front of me in class 2-1 so I had talked to her before.

"Mina, where's Budo?" I asked.
"He was here a minute ago, he said he's going to go talk to Amai or something." she replied.
"Oh god.. are you sure?"
"Yeah. Why?"
"Don't worry, thanks for telling me."
"No problem I guess." she smiled.

~This is bad~

~This is really bad~

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