Chapter 8 // An Awkward Suggestion

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"Sensei it's just a bit of wate-"

Me and Taro looked at each other and back at the teacher again. Taro stepped out of the fountain and shook off a little bit. I picked Ayano up bridal style and put her outside the fountain, before finally exiting myself.

I noticed that Ayano was shivering a bit, so I put my jacket (which was dry since I had taken it off before jumping in) over her. I took my shirt off and drained the water out of it - which caused some screams and whistles as always. I just rolled my eyes, uninterested. When the shirt was no longer dripping fountain water, I put it back on and shook my hair, purposefully getting Ayano and Taro wet.


I just laughed. The three of us walked to the office with the teacher trailing behind us to make sure we didn't run off or whatever. She explained to the counsellor that we were playing around in the fountain and then left.

"How? Why? Just what made you think this was a good idea?" she pushed up her glasses.
"Taro fell in." I said.
"And how did you two get in?"
"Well, as friends, if one suffers then we all do, ma'am." I answered. Ayano grabbed my hand under the desk.
"And you didn't think to maybe.. hm I don't know.. change into your gym uniform instead of having the whole group jump in?"
"That did not occur to me at the time, no ma'am." Taro said. Me and Ayano were holding back our laughter, which resulted in my hand being squeezed until I couldn't feel it anymore.
"Well, in future, please think first. Alright?" she said.
"Got it."
"Of course."

"Go home, all of you. I hope when you return tomorrow you'll have some more common sense." she sighed.

We all got up and left, closing the door behind us and bursting out in laughter.
"You know, a wise man once called me the GODDESS OF COMMON SENSE!" Ayano shouted.
"I fucking fell in Budo? Seriously?" Taro laughed.
"That was brilliant."

And then the realisation set in.
"My mom's gonna kill me."

"Stay over at my place." Ayano suggested.
"The school will call her, she'll be pissed as soon as I get home."
"Live at my place?" she laughed.
"I'll just have to take the heat."
"You two should kiss." Taro said, creating an awkward atmosphere.
"I don't know. You've come close to it." he shrugged.
"That was so random." Ayano laughed. I couldn't resist, so I swept her off her feet and..

Budo, what did I say about lying?

Urgh fine..

Yeah Budo, god!

Oh so now you talk Taro.

Both of you shut it! Budo, continue.

Alright, where was I?

All of a sudden, Ayano pushed me against the wall out of nowhere.
"I mean we could." she edged closer to my face, "But we could not." she moved away. "But we totally could though." she leaned in once again, "Buuuuut we could not.." and one final time, "However we cou-" I pulled her closer to me and ended her rambling by kissing her slowly and passionately.

Ew, nobody needs the details.

Shut up Taro it was cute!

Glad you enjoyed it Aya.

You two sicken me.

Oh really?

Oh fuck please don't

The kiss was long and passionate. Our tongues danced in rhythm with each other and-


Hahahahahaha, you're too easy bro.

Oh how I longed for his touch once more~


Sounds good to me


Anyway, me and Ayano kissed, but nothing really happened after that. It was kind of a.. a dare? I suppose you could call it that.
"Sooooo are you two dating or not?" Taro asked.
After a pause of silence, I decided to speak. "No, we aren't."
"Mhm well that didn't look like a friendly friend jokey kiss to me.."
"You're the definition of cringe." I shrugged him off.
"And you are the definition of stupid, ask the damn girl out!"
"The damn girl has a name." I smiled at Ayano. "A pretty name for a pretty girl."
"Oh shush you." she blushed.
"Hm." I noticed something.
"What?" she asked.
"Your hair turns wavy when it's wet. It looks cute." I said. She took her hair out of its hair tie and shook it about a bit. Ugh how was she not a model?
"Shit.." I mumbled.
"N-Nothing.." I blushed, still hypnotised by Ayano's beauty.
"BUDO, JUST ASK YAN-CHAN OUT ALREADY!!" Taro shouted. Ayano turned to me with a smirk.
"N-Not right now."
"Why!?" he asked.
"I want it to be special."
"Budo she is clearly in love with you and you obviously feel the same way. Any time you ask it will be special."
"Shut it Taro."

We arrived at the locker rooms to change our clothes before we left, when Ayano pulled me into the girl's changing rooms, locking the door behind us.
"Do you love me Budo?" she asked, taking her shoes and stockings off.
"Y-Yes Ayano. I love you very much."

There was a faint knock at the door from Taro, who had brought Budo some clothes from his locker. Budo thanked him before Ayano locked the door again.

"That's good." Ayano started.
"Is it?"
"Oh.." I said. "Why?"
"Because I love you too." she said casually as she found her gym uniform from her locker. "You know you can get changed, right?"
"Don't you feel awkward?" I asked.
"Not in front of you." she said taking her skirt off, making my heart race.
"Aya!" I covered my eyes with my hands.
"What? I wear underwear, no shit."
"You seriously don't care if I look?" I asked, still covering my eyes.
"Why would I?" she moved my hand away. She was now only in her underwear. "You said you love me."
"I just don't want you to be uncomfortable, that's all." I said, unbuttoning my shirt.
"Well I don't." she smiled, pulling my shirt off for me. "As long as you don't mind."
"Mind wh-"

I was cut off by Ayano putting one hand against my chest and the other on my face, edging closer.

"Oh boy.."
"I'll stop if you-"
"I never said.. You can.. If you.." I couldn't get my words out properly.

Yeah okay I'm out for this part I don't want to hear *SLAM*

Taro don't slam the door you ass-hat.

Continue, Budo.

"In that case.." Ayano said, leaning in and kissing me softly at first. I wrapped my arms around her waist and smiled slightly as I kissed her back.
"I love you Ayano."
"I love you too Budo."
We continued to kiss for a minute until I stopped.
"What's the matter?" Ayano asked.
"Aya.." I paused, "Will you be my girlfriend?"
"Of course I will!" she smiled, continuing to kiss me. After a while I couldn't help myself and my hand made its way down south a little bit.
"Well aren't you a little handsy." she smirked.
"Sorry I'll-" I was about to move my hand away from her ass when she put her hand over mine.
"If I didn't like it you would have known." she moved her hand back leaving mine in position and continued to kiss me. That was until we were.. interrupted...

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