His Pet

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(Hey everyone the girl up there is you I don't own it enjoy)
"Huh? " I say looking at him from the passenger seat
He turns the car on a drives off locking all doors.
"You'll see when we get to my place" he smirked and put a hand on my thigh. I jumped a little blushing at the coolness of his hands.
"What a-are you doing?" I say looking at his hand moving up my thigh.
"Take your mask off and undo your dress" was all he said removing his mask
"Wh-what!! " I say in a louder tone. What exactly was his intentions with me?
"Do as I asked" he snapped back trying to sound as gentle as possible "Or I'll do it for you"
In fear I froze and looked up at him
"W-why should i-i" I asked trying to stall time
We pulled up too the house and he got out and walked too my side and picked me up basically dragging me inside.
Once we were inside he threw me on the couch and put his arms on each side of me so I couldn't go anywhere.
"Are you going to do as I asked you or am I going to have too do it myself" He said getting closer too my face
"I w-wont do t-that" I snapped at him trying too push him off of me
"Tell me you're name then" he spoke leaning me forward and grabbing the zipper on the dress.
"N-n-nao! My names Nao" I sqeauked as he unzipped the dress
"Nao?" he questioned and took my mask off and smirked "Your the photographer from Japan".
I nodded and blushed deeply
"Wh-why are y-you smirking?"
   "You'll see what I have planned for you~" his smoothly spoke pulling my dress off
I yell at the top of my lungs from the sudden movements and he covers my mouth...

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