Trust in me

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(Hiya guys I'm very very sorry alot of shit has happened and I wasn't able too update so I'll be nice and caught up. The picture above is what she draws)

"Well well you seem too be flustered does this mean yes, if so there are two rules you must follow. number one you will do whatever I say or want, number two if you ever try and leave me for another person....i will kill you"

My heart skipped a beat and I could feel the tears filling my eyes, This was a moment that I could say I was truly afraid for myself and for others.
    "Y-you would w-what?... " I manged too stutterly ask him. I caught his gaze upon mine. my body was heavily shaking his eyes were dull of color.

     We sat there in silence for a few more moments before his bright laugh filled the room
"Your wasting my time acting so cute, just trust me and we'll be fine" Kokoro exclaimed petting my head with his large hand.

I glared more harshly then ever at a person. "You little-" I spoke out loud with an angry tone taking my elbow into his stomach.
The tall man coughed and grabbed the edge of the couch.
"What was that for!" he cried softly whining like a little puppy.

"For being a huge creep!!" I stated crossing my arms.

          This was going too be a wonderful relationship.

    ~2 weeks later~

"Kokoro! Get over here and look at my drawing it's of people that isn't us" I teased the man as he sauntered into the room. Just the night before was very "Eventfull" if I would say so myself.

"How are you able too walk so well" Kokoro said his limping very noticeable

"Simple I don't do this shit every day of the year" I said with a smack at his forehead.
"You will be soon" the perverted Kokoro said sitting and placing his hand on my thigh.
"No way in hell"

(Next chapter will be fun)

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