The Rules

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((Hey guys sorry it took long I got a new phone so and the boy up there is Kokoro and im sorry it's short))
"Do you have too be so loud!" Kokoro said throwing a pair of shorts with a flannel and black top at me , standing up too look at me from afar
"What are you s-staring at? " I asked following his eyes too the bruises, cuts and scars decorated across my body like a beautiful painting.
"What have you been through" he said touching the scar on my throat
"Just don't hold it against me okay what I've been through is a story I hope no one will ever tell"
I sighed and put the clothes on
"That's why I've never seen you with short sleeves" he said playing with my short hair. I flicked his hands away from me and pouted.
"Don't get off topic why am I here" I questioned in a sassy tone.

"Ah yes you are going too be my little pet got it" he said his signature smirk plastered on his face

Pouting I glared at him "Your what?!" My eyes had gotten wide from the comment. 
  Kokoro's eyes got a glimmer in if he enjoyed the reaction I gave him was what he was hoping for. An unsettling feeling overcame me as he chuckled deeply.

"Well well you seem too be flustered my pet, Does this mean it's a yes?" His voice was full of pride and lust "There's 2 rules you must follow, number one you will do what I tell you at all times number two if you ever try too leave me for another person....... I will kill you"...............

(I know I'm devilish but hope you enjoyed)

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