Making Me Stare

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(Hi everyone in sorry that its been so long but i have to brain storm this stuff and i just now came up with the thought. And hes a warning fluff be here and dont be grossed out)

The pervert I sat with pulled my legs up onto his. "I wouldn't mind hearing you beg again like last night" Kokoro whispered sweetly into my ears. His hands hand gracefully made there way up my velvet shorts.
My face had burnt a bright red color and I pinched his nose. "Oy don't say it like that" I stutterd out.
He pulled away from my grip on his nose only to work his lips against my neck, in response my legs trembled which made him smirk.

"maybe next time my little pet you shouldn't pinch your owner" Kokoro sang lowly into my ear once again. The moment was short and steamy but didn't mean anything wouldn't be put into memory for tonight.

"Maybe my 'owner' shouldn't be perverted towards his 'pet'" I teased getting up and out of his grip that had hold of me, Truth be told I haven't left his house since the night of the dance it wasn't so bad but then there were times i wish i could have just ran out of this place and never looked back. Regret maybe, Anger oh you know it but one thing i didn't expect to feel hear was love. I thought i would never catch feelings for him but you know what i did.

"You know i love you right?" He said as i was striding my way to the backroom or our bedroom. The cream walls had pictures decorating them of him and his family and at the very end one that was me and him the second day here me getting ready to punch the obnoxious boy holding camera in one hand and me in his other arms lock.

'' I know you do...I love you two"

Dance with me~ (bad boy x reader)Where stories live. Discover now