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"Ughhhhhhhh!" Sophie groaned as she flopped her head onto the ginormous textbook she was studying.

Biana sat across from her, filing her nails with a glittery pink nail file.

"I told you to take a break, but noooo, you just had to study for an important final or something."

Sophie sighed.

"If I fail this test, my parents aren't going to let me go over to Everglen for the gala next week."

Biana tapped her nails on the crystal table.

"You'll ace it."

"I will if you stop interrupting."

Biana rolled her eyes. Sitting and doing nothing was so boring.

"Are you done?" She asked after several minutes.

"Wait-almost. Yup!"

"Well finally. We can chat now. Did you get a date for the gala?"

Sophie's face was priceless.

"You have anyone in mind?" Biana raised her eyebrows and leaned forward.

Sophie blushed.

"Is it Fitz?"

When she didn't reply, Biana pressed on.


When her face got even redder, Biana smirked.

"Oh my gosh, this is so humiliating." Sophie muttered.

"Hmmm. He hasn't asked you yet has he?"

Sophie blew a strand of hair out of her face.

"No. He probably already asked someone else."

"Nonsense! He's just hasn't yet."

"Whatever you say."

The girls continued chatting until Biana's parents hailed her.

"Bye!" She waved as the light carried her away.

Would Keefe ask her? Sophie practically snorted at the thought. He had gaggles of girls at Firefox who he could take. Suddenly a hail came on her imparter. She picked it up and Keefe appeared on the screen. His face broke into a grin when he saw her.

"Hey Foster."


"What should I wear to the gala?" Why the heck was he asking her? Sophie thought.

"What?" She hated how her voice sounded so cold.

"You know, so we match."

Why did he need to match?

"You can just send me a picture of the dress you're wearing."

"Wait, why do we need to match?" Shouldnt he be asked the girl he was going with?

"Aren't we going together? Duh."

"Umm, we are?..."

Keefe smacked his forehead.

"Oops. I forgot to ask you."

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