the wonder (chapter 13)

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Harleys POV

Harry just left. Left without a fight or anything. Was this part of his game? I have no idea. But maybe I got through to him. I honestly doubt it. Harrys not one to give up easily so what changed.  Why did he leave? Dont get me wrong, i'm glad he did. Its just not what I expected.

I couldn't sleep for the rest of the night thinking about what just happened. It happened all so fast. He was quite surprised when I said I cared for him and so was I but Harry doesn't deserve to die. No one does. Nothing he has done is ok but he can be fixed. Im just not the one to do it. I cant help but be scared at times around him. Hes killed people and I was next on his list.

Its sunday and I have nothing to do all day apart from sleep and watch tv. I could go find Liam and tell him the events from last night.

I got out of bed. Quickly took a shower, brushed my teeth and got dressed. I dont care if its on 7am, I need to see liam.


I knocked on his apartment door a few times before it finally opened.

"Harley, what are you doing here? It seven thirty in the morning." Liam says whilst rubbing his eyes.

"Well I'm sorry that a psyco broke into my house yesterday and nearly raped me again!" I practically scream from how scared I am.

"Harry did what? Are you ok? Did he hurt you?" Liam throughs in a bunch of questions without giving me the chance to answer.

"I'm fine. I'm fine. I thought you said there were cameras."

"There are but we didn't put any in the garden incase you would have seen us. We had no idea you knew about the whole situation till yesterday" liam adds.

As soon as Liam stops speaking, he stares at my arm seeing the small bruise Harry left behind from his strong grip.

"Did Harry do this to you" hes getting pissed now.

"Its nothing. I told you I'm fine. Thats the least of my worries right now." I say.

"How Did you get him to leave."

"I didn't. He just left." I confused look appears on Liams face.

"Thats werid. Harry would never just leave. He had the chance and he knocked it down. It doesnt make any sense."

"Thats what I was thinking."

"Still lets not get too relieved. It might be part of his scheme to get you to like him. What ever you do, don't trust him."

I nodd. I have no idea what to do now.

"What now?" I ask.

"Just keep your head low and call me if anything happens.  I will be there in a flash"

"ok" I simply say.


I was walking home when I heard foot steps behind me. I turned around to see who it was. I didnt know him. It was just a random.

"Hello" he politely said.

"Hi" I reply.

"Whats a pretty thing like you doing up this early" he says.

"I just needed to visit a friend. What about you?" i felt awkward making a conversation with a stranger. But that has never stopped me before.

"I have some earens I have to run. My name is Zach." he gives me a small hand shake.

"Im harley"

"Nice name. I have never seen you around here before."

"I dont really live around here" I have to keep the conversation low and short.

"Ahhh I feel I recognise you from somewhere I just can't put my head around it." he said which makes me a little worried.

"I have never seen you before. You must have me confused with someone else." I say.

"Probably. Anyway, I'm heading this way. See you around Harley" he takes a left as I take the opposition direction.



I arrive home and find my mum sitting on the couch with my dad watching television. Its good to see them together at times. My dad is always out so my mum is always home alone with me. I dont know how she copes with him sometimes. My dad can be tough especially whens hes drunk.

I go to my room when I suddenly get a text message from Liam.

"Happy early Birthday" it read. He remembered my birthday was tomorrow.

"Get ready tomorrow at 7 sharp. I am taking you out for your special night." furthering the message. Where was he going to take me? I can't wait to find out.


It was now Monday. School finished pretty fast and time flew by. Its 4pm so I have exactly 3 hours till Liam picks me up. I have no idea where he is taking me.

I still don't know what im going to wear. How should I know if I should wear something fancy or not. I might just wear the dress I bought the other day. Its nice and casual at the same time.

It was now 6:30. Liam is on his way. I curled my hair and put on a little make up.  I actually look decent for once. Effort for dressing up isn't really my thing.

I hear a knock at the door and immediately go to open it. I find Liam waiting on the porch.

"Ready to go?" he says with a smile.

"Yep just let me grab my cell phone. "

I run upstairs and quickly grab my phone and make my way out. I wonder where we are going.


The car ride was fun. Me and Liam kept talking about the crazy things we use to do together. A lot has changed since then.

We parked next to a house. Whos? I have no idea. All I know is that there was a party happening and I didnt want to be here.

"You brought me to a party?" I tell Liam disappointedly.

"Come on, don't be like that. Live a little" Liam says trying to cheer me up.

"Fine" I give in.

We open the door to whoevers house this is and enter. The house is filled with empty red cups scattering all over the floor and the smell is revolting. This is why I hate party's.

As we step inside, I can't help but think if Harry is here. What if he is? He was last time. He tends to be everywhere I turn and I dont find it amusing.

"Liam, is Harry here?" I ask nervously.

"No, I told him to stay away. This is your night and nothings going to ruin it." his words calm me down. Hes right, this is my night and Harry can go suck his ass because I am going nowhere.   

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