the witness (chapter 14)

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hey guys. Sorry I haven't udpated in a long time. I have so many exams these weeks and I didn't have time to publish anything. I have also came up with an idea that will blow you away.

Harleys POV

"Whos house is this?" I ask liam.

"So what first?"

"How about a game of pool. Unless your too chicken" Liam mocks.

"Chicken? Please the only chicken around here is you." I tease.

"Oh really, well good luck trying to beat the pro. You'll need it." he says and walks straight to the pool table.

"Your on".

This was fun. Me and Liam hanging out like how we use to. Its hard believing that if Harry hadn't have bought drugs of me, we would never have became friends again. Why does everything have to link back to Harry? I wish he could just leave me alone. It hasnt been nearly week and hes always in my mind. He can be scary and intimidating when he wants to be. The night he snuck into my room was just the start. I am lucky enough to still be alive nonetheless be free from him. He marked me. But what does that even mean. Wow its a lovebite. It will fade eventually. Maybe thats it. Maybe the fading of it is like some sort of deadline. His games just keep getting better and better. When I first met Harry, he seemed alright for a drug addict. That was until I knew his secret. Hes a murder and always will be. Im his next victum preparing for his attack. It feels like I'm always on the look out. Everything that moves, that whispers and lingers in the dark gets my pulse raising. I definitely don't enjoy the feeling. The feeling of having to constantly being aware of everything that goes on around you.

I take a strick as someone takes a stand from behind me.

"Nice shot, can I join?" a fimiliar sound echoes through my ears. I turn around to see Zayn in his plain navy t-shirt and black skinny jeans.

"Oh, hey" I say trying to be as polite as possible. Its still a little awkward since I knew he was Harrys brother. Step brother to be precise.

He gives me a small wink before Liam speaks. I smile at his charming efforts.

"Hey dude, come play. The more the merrier." Liam says and Zayn instantly grabs a pool stick and joins in.

"Just to warn you, i'm going to beat both your ases so don't go crying to your mom when you lose" Zayn comments with a smirk. Im guessing smirking runs in the family.

"You wish" me and Liam say in unison.


A few minutes pass and so far, Zayn is in the lead. I am not off by far though.

"My turn" I shout in excitement after Liams go.

"Harley, your aiming it all wrong" Zayn states.

"No I am not. Its perfectly fine." I say not taking his advice.

As I lean down to direct my stick at the blue coloured ball, I feel someone come next to me and put there hand on top of mine. I dont refuse. He adjusts my fingers around the stick makes it so im holding it properly. He then puts his other hand around my waist and helps me with the angle of my aim using his hands which are on top of mine. His face is close to mine that I can hear him breathing. I take a hit and the ball goes in. I scream in victory and zayn swirls me around hugging me tightly. Zayn was friendly but it felt like he was flirting. Was he?

"That was so much fun" I tell them both with a huge smile across my face.

"Another round?" Liam hints.

"Sure" Zayn replys.

"I'm just going to grab a drink. Be back in a sec" I tell them. I walk of figuring out the way to the kitchen wherever that is. I eventually find the kitchen after practically searching the whole first floor. I find myself stumbling across a girl sitting on the counter with her legs wrapped around some guy. Ewww gross. I quickly go to the fridge and grab a drink. I couldn't see the guys face but his behind was pretty hot. When I turn back round, the guy looked awfully fimiliar. The plain black shirt, the black skinny jeans, the boots and the curly brown hair. No..not now. Harry is standing right in front of me without even knowing. I run out the kitchen before he can see me and hopefully, he didn't.

I make my way to Liam so he can get me out of here.

Right as I was on my way. I see Zayn standing at the end of the hallway. He looks suspicious. Too suspicious for normal. I continued watching him till I see him hand a load of cash to another person. I knew him to. I recognised him from the other day. It was Zach. Why is he here? It feels like everyone I meet seem to be involved with Harry or his gang. Is this some sort of trap?

I quickly disappear out of Zayns sight and go to Liam. I feel like hes the only one I trust right now. One way or another, I know he will always be there for me.

"Hey, where did you get of to" Liam asks questioningly.

A worried expression appears on my face and Liam notices then walks towards me before he stares at something from behind.

I turn to see him. The person I was trying my hardest to avoid.

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