the horrifying (chapter 12)

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Harleys POV

I went straight to bed from how exhasted I was. I didnt bother brushing my teeth or taking a shower. My life just gets better by the minute.  Just last week, my life was complicated enough with all this family drama and now I theres a killer on the lose out to get me.


I woke up from loud noises coming from the ouside of my window on the balcony. What the fuck is going on. Its 3am.

I climbed out of bed and opened the balcony door. A second didn't pass till someone pushed past me into my bedroom. The last person I wanted to see is now standing right there in front of me.

"Harry, what the hell?"

"Hello love, nice place you have here" he looks around my room and starts to walk around avoiding eye contact. From his blood shot eyes and limping movement, I knew he was drunk but when wasn't he.

"Harry get out" I say harshly as I could.

"Thats no way to treat a guest is it." Harry says now facing me.

"Harry its 3am. Get out before I call the police" I knew I wouldn't otherwise I would have to tell them the full story. Even about me selling.

"We all know thats not going to happen or you will go down with me." Harry smirks showing his two cute dimples. I did not just say that.

"So Babe, what have you been up to these past couple of days. Miss me? Because I know I definitely missed you" He walks closer towards me with an evil smile running across his face. I know what hes going to do and I dont like where this is going. Liam did say there were camras around the house but maybe he forgot to put them in the garden. Harry is clever so I wouldn't be surprised if he knew they were around.

"Harry your drunk," I remind him.

"So what sweetheart, that doesn't change anything" he has seriously lost it.

"Harry your not in good shape right now. So before you try to do anything just remember..." he walks closer and closer towards me and I need to make him stop. I need to find his weak spot. "Remember what you did the caroline. Your doing it again but this time to me. You can't keep on doing this." after the words pop out of my mouth. Harry freezes.

"Your not meant to know that Harley" he clenches his fists. "Now your going to get it twice as hard as before." the evil smile comes back and he straight away pushes me on the bed without warning. He grabs my fists and holds me down with his hips.

"Harry stop!" he doesnt listen. He just stares at me.

"I know people like you. My brother had the same problem.  And before he knew it, he was dead. You can stop Harry. I know you can. I can help you. I care for you Harry." I say. Lets hope it works.

His eyes widen.

"Why do you care? You shouldn't care. I'm Not someone you should care about. I don't deserve it." hes getting angry and I mean very angry. Why?

"I care because....I don't know. I guess everyone needs someone to care about them some point in there life no matter how lost you are." I say sort of relflecting my own life as well as his. I have no one to care about me. Only Liam.

I stare down not wanting to face him. I'm scared of what will come next if I don't try to escape. Yet when he touches me, my whole body becomes paralysed.

"Well don't,  I dont need you to care. Your just another one of those girls Harley thats it. So shut up and lets get back to what I started" he says and instantly removes his top and begins to kiss my neck. A moan escapes my mouth without notice.

"Harry please..Stop"  I beg but no answer. He begins to slip his hands under my shirt. I then quickly knee him in the stomach and get up to run to the bathroom across from my room.

A hand pulls me back and pushes me against the wall.

"Not so fast. I'm not letting you escape that easily from be again Harley. You need to be taught a lesson." what does he mean taught a lesson.

He kisses me roughly on the lips and slips his tounge in before I had the chance to stop him. I try to push him away but no use. Hes too strong. Harry guides my hands to his neck and the bottom of his curls. I try to pull out if his  grip. Once again, I fail.

"Stay" He gives me a commanding look telling me to not pull my hands away. If I do, i'm worried of what might come. Like Liam said, its better to listen to him then for it to become worse than it already is.

He continues to kiss me and I pull againat his curls. It feels like something has tooken over my whole body and I can't seem to get rid of it.  a few moans escape from Harrys mouth before he suddenly stops and lets go of his grip. He walks over towards the balcony door and leaves. What just happened?

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