the hide and seek (chapter 18)

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Harleys POV

I walk out the front door feeling free as one could feel from being trapped in a psycos home. I pace my speed when I see one of Harrys neighbours peeking out of his window directly at me. Then I realise I'm still wearing Harrys boxers and shirt. Now I understand how this might look...awkward.

Harry lives on a highway street so it isnt very quite or anything. If only I could get home quickly enough before he finds out I was even gone in the first place. But knowing Harry, he would probably find me in an instant.

Zayn. I completely forgot. He got so beaten up yesterday I dont even know if he is alive. But if I call Liam, Harry would know. Harry always has his way. That little bastard. Can't he just learn to leave me alone.

Right now, im standing on the street unable to figure out where to go. Everywhere is too risky, even my own home.

My mum. Shes not safe at home. If Harry finds out I'm gone, he might try go after her. Shit shit shit.


I go home quickly as possible and try find my mom before its too late.

"Mom?" I shout hoping for a reply as I step into the kitchen.

"Harley! Where have you been. I have been worried sick all night." She screams giving me a tight hug at the same time.

"Sorry mom. I slept over at a...friends house" yes i lied. I cant put all this on her. She has enough going on already. I don't think that by adding a psyco human killer is after me will make her situation any better.

"Next time, atleast give me a heads up. I dont want to ever go through what I just did again. Do you understand!" I nodd agreeing on her terms. Why is she so protective all of a sudden. Well to be honest, she was always protective but she just didnt have enough time to focus on me as much after my brothers death. It affected her so much that she was sent to a mental institution for a whole month. A mother should never face her childs death. No matter what the cause. Its a traumatising thing to handle.

"Mom? Can we go to grandmas for a while. I need a break from...everything" I actually mean I need to get away from the evil shit face. Harry!

"Sure hun. Whats with the sudden getaway?" Shit what do I say.

"Errrrrr...I just want to stay away from home for a little while. Im starting to miss going out together and little things like visiting family every now and then. Please mum, please!" I desperately say.

"Ok, ok. I think I could use this trip myself. I will let your father know and we will arange everything after he comes back from work." a rush hit me with adrenaline as I knew Harry would be looking for me right now. Wales is a long shot since by the time we actually arange everything, theres no second guessing that Harry would have found me by then. So what shall I do. There's no hiding. Nothing. Im trapped.

*Knock knock knock*

The door....someone's here! And this is where hell begins....Again!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2014 ⏰

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