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If there was a sound for a heart breaking, that's probably what you would sound like right about now. You are totally crushed, but your curiosity gets the best of you. What happened to Mituna?

You walk over to his bed. "Hey ___." He whispers softly. The little heartbeat thingy next to his bed is dangerously slow. "How are you doing?" You sit on the edge of his bed. "Not to good..." He smiles weakly. "___?" He asks. "Yes?" You lean in closer, because he is almost getting to quiet. " I love you." His eyes close and the heartbeat thingy makes that sound that's only supposed to be heard in movies. "MITUNA!" You nudge him. "NO!" You remember 5 or 6 doctors pulling you away from his bed, the sedative they had to shoot into you, yourself slipping into the darkness.

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