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"Well done Paladins! Another rescue mission is a success and now we must go greet our allies!" Allura praised as the team exited their lions.

"Alright coolio let's go show these guys how cool we really are," Lance boasted. The team rolled their eyes playfully, some giving a few chuckles. On the inside, Lance didn't want to go at all; he was so tired all he wanted to do was sleep.

They exited the lions and were quickly greeted by the queen. The aliens inhabiting this planet were tall, and very furry. They gave off an aura that just shouted HUG ME! They wore clothes that looked to be the equivalent of sweatpants on earth. Their heads had fluffy round ears and their eyes were big and filled with emotion. The rest of their anatomy seemed to match that of a human.

"Good battle paladins and we are forever in your debt. We are the Lucheons. You may stay here till your ship is prepared to take off, but we must ask that you let us cleanse you before you enter our kingdom." The queen greeted, her fur a royal blue.

"Explain this cleansing system," Shiro said nervously.

"We supply an embrace and heal you of any negative energies or doubts you are hosting. We don't like to have negative energy in our kingdom and especially after the Glara has had hold of our people so long, a negative aura could damage my people more. Do you accept?" The queen asked.

"We accept," Shiro agreed.

"This is Tuku and Loa. They will perform the embrace and heal you enough to stay in our kingdom." The queen said with a soft smile. Suddenly, two smaller versions of these aliens came up. They almost looked like children, and hey, maybe they were. The went up to Shiro and gave him a hug and you could see the light zap into his eyes.

"Wow, that was amazing!" He said, a genuine smile gracing his lips.

The aliens smiled back at him and moved on to the others, Pidge, Hunk, Keith, they all found themselves doing a little jig in their minds from the sudden burst of relief. Then they came to Lance. Tuku and Loa began frantically whispering as they stopped in front of him, seemingly bewildered. He smiled at them sadly.

"I don't think-" He started in a whisper but Tuku held up a hand.

"We must try!" She squeaked. They gave him a hug, but seemed to bounce off as they clutched their heads.

"But this has never happened before!" Loa gasped as they ran to their queen.

"Lady Lufra we cannot fix the blue one! He is unfixable!" They shouted at her together.

"Are you sure?" The queen asked, her mouth forming a small "O".

"Positive!" They squeaked in unison.

The queen walked up to Lance, a somber look on her face, "Paladin-"

"Yeah, I know," Lance said with a sigh. "I'll stay in the castle."

"I'm sorry, but I've never seen someone so broken before, your aura... I'm just not sure how it will effect my people." The queen said softly, trying not to break the human any further.

"You can't be talking about Lance, he is as happy as can be! He can't be broken; he's just asking for attention. If anyone's broken beyond repair it'd be Shiro." Pidge said with a scoff.

"I see," The queen said, nodding her head towards the team. "Do you mind letting me into your head?"

"Yes, I- I don't like people in my head. It'll hurt you too much." Lance replied. "There's no fixing' this, I'll just stay in the castle."

"Please paladin let us help. You should be considered lucky you can form Voltron. If you keep this up you might not be able to." The queen said, peering closely as she saw she had hit a bundle of insecurities bringing the Blue Paladin close to breaking.

"I- I..." Lance trailed off and he stared at the alien, his face stoning over. "You're doing that on purpose! Stop it!" He shouted, wiping at his face furiously.

"I bet the team will be glad to be away from you for the week," She didn't want to hurt the paladin but she was determined to fix him. If he wouldn't let her into his head, then she had to figure out what was at least on the surface, which she could see barely.

"Stop it!" Lance screamed. "I'll let you into my head! Just stop!" The team stared in bewilderment at the two as the queen put a fluffy hand on lance's head.

"Oh dear," She pulled back after a minute clutching her head.

"I told you," Lance whispered.

"Wh- I don't even know what to say," Her eyes flickered to the red paladin who was stunned silent.

"No, no, no, don't think about that you weren't supposed to see that," Lance groaned covering his face with a blush.

"Paladin how are you still here with all of that on your shoulders?" The queen asked softly.

"I--I honestly don't know," Lance said.

"I hope you are happy," She said, now addressing the rest of the team. "You should enjoy your stay, where shall I send the blue paladin?"

"Why can't he stay with us?" Keith was the first to speak up, wanting desperately to go hug his rival who was on the brink of sobbing.

"Because he is too broken for my people to handle. He is too broken for me to handle. Im not leaving him with any of you either, so where should I send him?"

"Why couldn't you leave him with us?" Shiro asked.

The queen looked over feeling the dark waves of emotion emanating out of Lance. "Because you and the rest of your team make him feel worse." 



Ignore all my grammar errors and stuff. Alrighty if you like leave a comment for me to continue. I will anyway but you know comments are love and I'm bored in French class so... yeah. Leave comments <3

Chicken Nuggets BOI (LemonsandStuff) 

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