Chapter Four: Retire to your Room

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"I'm sorry Keith," Lance said as he took a break, panting from the effort to open the door.

"For what?" Keith asked, equally breathless.

Lance took deep breaths and slid to a sitting position before replying. "If you had been with anyone else on the team you'd probably already have the castle working again. I'm so useless."

Keith sat next to him and closed his eyes as he thought of what to say. He couldn't lie to Lance, he refused to. He worked out the words in his head before gently grasping Lance's hand and squeezing it. "Listen, you may not be the most helpful for this situation but you're definitely not useless. I mean look, the doors already open some and we wouldn't have even got this far had you not had the idea to use my sword," Keith said gesturing to the object across from them.

"I suppose but it would be easier with Hunk or Shiro. You wouldn't even be here if it was Pidge. She'd just hack the system and make everything perfect," Lance whispered.

"That's all true," Keith said cautiously as he turned to look at Lance. "but no one would be as good of company. I mean your jokes are really funny and you're very smart."

"Thanks, Keith," Lance said after a while, a genuine smile gracing his features.

They got up and began to continue opening the doors to a wide enough state to enter. They twisted the sword and got it to open a few more inches. It wasn't long before the decided to take a second break and Lance leaned against the wall.

"Hey," Keith started, walking over and snaked his arms around Lance's waist.

Lance smirked as he responded. "Hello,"

"I just noticed I never asked you to officially be my boyfriend," Keith said leaning in.

"Hm," Lance hummed as Keith's breath ghosted over his cheek. "Why don't you ask then?" He asked.

"Lance, will you be my boyfriend?" Keith whispered softly.

"Yes," Lance whispered back with a sigh as Keith kissed his cheek. He moved to kiss Lance on the lips and they both melted into it. Keith moved his hands to intertwine with Lance's as he gently pushed him against the wall. Lance tilted his head to the side to allow Keith better access as his tongue slipped in. Lance moaned softly at the intimacy of the moment before they heard a shriek from their helmets. They sprung apart and quickly checked their surroundings before all the lights sprang on around them.

Lance ran to pick up his helmet. "I thought we had a couple days!" He whined.

"This fluffy lady hooked up some weird technology and was able to zap the castle back to life!" Pidge was saying excitedly. "The barrier is still up but it was so cool!"

"How do we shut the barrier down?" Keith asked.

"Go to the control room and activate your stations and cancel the defense," Allura said through Shiro's com.

"You guys, this island is really sweet," Hunk started. "They have these pretty flowers that produce the best smells and-"

"Hunk?" Lance asked nervously.

"Not those type of flowers. Plus that was more of a garden if you think of it..." Hunk trailed off.

"Are you all safe and warm?" Lance asked with a smirk.

"Yes, actu-"

"No Allura don't answer that," Hunk said.

"Why not he-"

"Allura he was making a joke and it wasn't funny," Hunk said with a sigh.

"You started it," Lance retorted.

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