Chapter One: Not alone

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"That's impossible!" Shiro said, walking towards Lance but the queen intercepted.

"No, it is the truth. There is maybe two paladins I would consider leaving with him at the moment and I'm not sure which to pick. He will not be alone is that understood?"

"Please! This isn't necessary I'm fine!" Lance begged her, pulling on her arm.

"I can feel your emotions," She said with a deadpan expression. "You need to explain all of this to someone. All of you come here."

She placed her hand on each of their heads and searched for how they thought of Lance. Thoughts ranged from There's no way he's broken, he mus be faking it... can he fake it? To God, is he okay? To We need to fix this to make Voltron stronger, and finally to I love him, please don't let him be this broken, and that was the thought that caught her attention.

"Red paladin you will stay with him in the castle," The queen said.

"What?" Lance gasped. "That's not funny, your fluffiness! Anyone but him! I'd even rather stay with Shiro than him!"

"What's that supposed to mean?" Shiro asked, genuinely hurt from the comment.

"No, I want you healed. Paladin you are so important to this universe and the red one can heal you," The queen said placing a hand on his arm.

The comment hit Lance hard. He was important? There had to be a mistake. They just needed him for Voltron that's all. They don't really need him. He wished he could be home with his little brothers and sisters. He left them with no one. If he left back to earth would they notice? Would they care? Would they miss him? Would Keith miss him? What if- wait he's staying with Keith... what does that mean? Keith looks so put out. That was caused by him. The whole team looks so tired and ready to relax. Especially Keith, he's glaring at Lance now. Lance takes that as a bad thing as his breathing speeds up. In reality Keith was staring intently at him as he realized his friend entering a panic attack.

"Do something... help him!" Keith shouted as he dropped his bayard. Keith used to have panic attacks back when he lived alone in the desert. He hated that no one had been there to help him and he wondered if Lance went- no, is going through the same experience.

"I'm not aware of this function what is happening to him? The aurora is growing darker and darker around him!" The queen said, obviously startle and confused.

"He's having a panic attack, he used to have these back at the dorms all the time," Hunk said. He gently stroked Lance's arm, but it didn't help. Lance wasn't focused on that. He was solely focused on his thoughts and nothing could bring him out. What was happening to him? He's never had an attack this bad before. His vision is beginning to tunnel. The only sound was the blood rushing through his ears. Tears streamed down his cheeks as thoughts assaulted him. God, make it stop, he wanted it to end so badly. Then suddenly that's when he heard it. A soft voice, lips grazing his ear, whispering to him.

"The ocean Lance, breath with the waves. Think of the ocean," Lance did what he was told. The ocean, the ocean near his house, the ocean he used to escape to. The waves, no matter what always lulling him to sleep. He can still hear their sound. He keeps this image and breathes with the waves as the voice whispers sweet nothings. He clutches onto the person in front of him as his breathing calms down. He opens his eyes, and connects with Violet. His fingers loosen their grip on the red armor as his arms fall to his side.

"Th-thanks Mullet," He muttered. Lance picked himself up, not remembering exactly when he fell down and awkwardly looked down.

"As I said, the Blue paladin will stay in the castle with the Red Paladin." The queen said. "He obviously knows how to handle him. Do not feel ashamed Yellow Paladin for you were my first choice, before I... dug a little deeper," She says with a soft smile directed at Hunk. he smiled back but still felt bad for not helping his friend. That is until Tuku gave him another hug and he felt much better.

"I don't think this is a good idea, they will fight too much," Shiro said, stepping protectively in front of Keith.

"Did you not see the way the Red one calmed him? He is the only option if you want your Paladin healed." The queen said.

"Yeah Shiro, let me take care of him." Keith said shoving past Shiro to quickly come back to Lance. Lance flinched as Keith wrapped an arm around his shoulder but soon melted into the embrace.

"Keith, please, you don't have to. I'm fine, really!" Lance begged as they began their walk back to the castle, halfheartedly. In all truthfulness he wanted Keith to take care of him, but not if it was forced.

"What if I want to? Lance," Keith stopped him, he opened his mouth to say something before deciding better of it and saying something else. They continued walking as Keith continued, "Listen, if you truly are as broken as they say and I'm the only one who can help you, then I will because you are important."

Lance looked down, "Yeah but just for Voltron," he added in his head. "Thanks Mullet but I'm really fine!" Lance said with a forced smile.

"But you aren't. You're just good at lying." Keith said with a smirk. "You know what? Sometimes it's good to be able to lie, but you shouldn't lie to your friends." they were well inside the castle now and they stopped in front off Lance's room.

"Listen Keith, I know you're just doing this so Voltron will be more powerful but please, I don't need this. I'm tired. You can go back to hating me now if you want, but Keith I'm so tired," He hiccuped as he tried to hide sobs. "Just go enjoy your stay on this planet. It looks comfy," He tried his best to flash a smile but the event's off the day left him so tired it just didn't stick. Who knew having an alien run around in your head was so tiring. The panic attack probably sucked the rest of his energy out. God, he hoped he wouldn't have another one of those.

He tried to clear his head as he shut the door and laid down. He crawled into his bed and actually cried. He was just so broken. He was always told he was broken, but he didn't know it was this bad. He was actually kicked out of a civilization because he was too broken to handle. The thought hit him hard and he began to cry harder. He was such a burden to everyone.

He folded in on himself, wishing for once he wasn't alone. That maybe just for once someone would care, pick up the hints he was dropping, and talk to him. Help him pick up the pieces left and replace the ones scattered in the wind. That's when he felt strong arms circle around him and pull him closer. He startled, trying to hastily wipe his eyes but Keith held his arms trapped to his sides.

"That fluffy Lady made me promise not to leave you alone, so that's the last thing I'm gonna do." Keith's soft voice echoed in Lance's mind and he gave up in trying to fake his way out of this. He was so tired and so, so, broken. He just broke down into another fit of sobs and Keith pulled him into his chest. "Shh, get some rest. You're not alone any more." 

A/N: DAAAAAAAMN Angel back at it again with another chapter. (I"M SO SORRY) So yeah, sorry these are kinda short but I have a lot of school to deal with and all that fun crap. I should post at least once a weak. Till the next chappie. 


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