Chapter Six: Makeup

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Prompt: They start messing around in lance's room and lance ends up putting makeup on Keith, he wonders why he can do it so well........and it turned out, he had to learn it to cover up his abuse bruises....... Prompt From OrAnge235 Thank you, I loved writing this!

It was late at night, after a training session, that Keith decided to take a shower in Lance's bathroom because it was one of those days in which Lance couldn't be alone. So after Lance finished up in the bathroom, Keith hopped into the shower. While he was bathing he couldn't help but to notice all of the products and gels Lance owned and kept in his shower. When he was finished, he looked through the cabinets to find multiple creams and foundations. He quickly dressed and exited to find Lance laying on his bed with an arm over his eyes.

"You still awake?" Keith asked, rubbing his hair with a towel.

"Yeah, I am," Lance muttered, lifting his arm up to peek at him.

"You okay?" Keith asked, sitting down next to him and rubbing his stomach lightly.

"No, today's just not a good day." Lance said with a shake of his head.

"Where did you get all the products from?" Keith asked, gesturing vaguely to the bathroom.

"Oh, I had some in my coat pocket when we left earth and when we went to the space mall, I showed them the bottle and they were able to get me some stuff that was similar." Lance explained. It was easy to tell from his facial expressions that this was a much better topic than the last.

"Do you even know how or what to use them for?" Keith asked, getting up to look at the weirdly shaped bottles and ointments.

"Uh, I figured most of it out. I had to mix some of the things together along with some of the spices from the kitchen to make sure I didn't get a bad reaction," He scratched his chin with a light chuckle. "It took a couple of tries."

"So you figured how to mix alien products to make makeup?" Keith asked in awe. Lance nodded with a proud smile. "That's amazing! I mean, really cool Lance. Do you have like normal makeup stuff or is it just moisturizer?"

"Um, I have both." Lance said shuffling through the bottles.

"When do you do makeup? I don't think I've ever seen you with it on," Keith said with a frown. Lance in makeup wouldn't be an unwelcome sight.

"I do it late at night when I can't sleep," Lance said with a shrug. "There's no point in wearing it around the ship when there could be an attack at any moment. I would not want to have makeup melting down my face while I'm trying to kick Galra butt."

"Makes sense," Keith said with a nod.

"Can I do your makeup?" Lance asked, staring at Keith hopefully.

"What?" Keith asked, turning red.

"Please?" Lance whined, grabbing Keith's hands with a pout. "You can wash it off after."

So that was how the two boys ended up sitting in front of each other in the middle of Lance's room surrounded by bottles.

"You make funny faces when you're doing this," Keith observed as Lance ran a brush, which Keith had no idea what was for, across his face.

"Shush, I'd like to see you even attempt this Mr. Hothead," Lance said, sticking his tongue out as he grabbed another brush and applied a darker cream onto the brush. "You'd get too frustrated to even get this far," He added as he made Keith hollow his cheeks.

"Not true," Keith muttered once Lance finished the blending. Lance gave him a bored look and Keith pouted. "Maybe, fine."

"Close your eyes," Lance murmured, and Keith did as he was told as Lance applied what he believed was an eyeshadow. "Your skin is so pale it's a shock I have anything that could work on you," Lance muttered. "What I usually use for myself as foundation, I have to use as contour for you. You're some kind of vampire I'm convinced."

"Well, I wouldn't hesitate to leave a mark on your skin," Keith said with a smirk.

"Are-are you flirting?" Lance asked with a gobsmacked look, but their was a hint of nervousness. Keith immediately felt guilt wash over him.

"Yeah, it was a bad attempt, sorry," Keith said, looking down awkwardly.

"No, no, no, it was fine! Pretty good if you ask me," Lance said with a breath of relief and genuine smile.

"I'm glad I have your approval," Keith said with a roll of his eyes before closing them so Lance could continue his work.

"Keith, flirting is a very trivial thing. You must have the blessing of a god to flirt," Lance said with a tisk.

"So where can I find one?" Keith retorted. He could hear Lance scoff.

"Funny," He drawled. "Okay, you're ready! Go look in the mirror!" Lance said excitedly.

Keith was a bit nervous as makeup was not something he saw himself ever wearing. But because of the glowing pride on his boyfriend's face he got up and looked in the mirror. He couldn't lie and say he didn't look amazing. The red and brown eyeshadow looked perfectly blended and made his eyes stand out. Keith blushed taking in his reflection.

"You're really good at makeup," Keith mumbled.

"Do you like it?" Lance asked hopefully.

"Yeah, I do," Keith said with a small smile towards Lance.

"Yay!" Lance said happily, leaning forward to peck him on the lips. When he pulled back, their was a tint of red on his lips from where they touched Keith's.

Keith kept it on a while longer, just admiring how he looked, before washing it off and climbing into bed next to Lance. Lance immediately snuggled into him and the two boys sat in relative silence, but not asleep.

"How did you learn to do makeup like that?" Keith asked, but regretted it once Lance flinched and stiffened in his hold.

"You want the truth or an "I'm tired" response?" Lance asked with a breathy chuckle.

"Truth, please," Keith said cautiously. He didn't want to push Lance to speak about something that made him uncomfortable.

"I uh, often had to hide scars and bruises that... they gave me," Lance whispered. They being the partner from his past relationship. "So I learned how to blend the colors and eventually just good at making it look like I was trying a new style," Lance added with a shrug.

"Lance," Keith whispered. He could more feel Lance tense then see it in the dark, because he knew how Lance hated pity. "I think, you're wonderful at makeup," He said finally.

He knew that was the right thing to say when Lance turned to snuggle into his hair.

"I love you," Keith said as he reached up to rub small circles into Lance's back.

"Thank you," Lance said with a soft smile.

Keith smiled in response and pulled Lance closer. Keith rested his head on Lance's chest and inhaled deeply before succumbing to the pull of sleep.

A/n: Hey everyone, long time no read. I know I said this was finished but I got a prompt from OrAnge235 and I couldn't not write it! I love this so much and I hope you all do as well. Feel free to leave a suggestion of what you want the characters to do next, if you want anything at all. 

On a side note, I started school so if you do leave a suggestion please be patient!


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