Aphmau moved away from her friends, Skyarmy but soon found them again! But aphmau has boys fighting over her. But who will she pick? What ship will sail?
Aphmau had grown up in fireblink woods and had a group of friends that she loved to pieces. Her mum had to move away for her job, aphmau did not want to move. So she stayed in Fireblink woods. Aphmau was only 5 when her mum moved away. She stayed with her aunt. 2 months after her mum left fireblink woods got destroyed. Aphmau ran and ran until she found where her mum lived and ran there. She stayed there until she was 15 and really wanted to go to a new high school. The closest one was Phoniex drop high. But that would mean moving on her own. Aphmau moved to Phoniex drop and that's where it began...
-aphmau POV-
Well...here's my life now...fireblink has been destroyed. This is the only place I could find with a high school. Phoniex drop. The taxi pulled up in front of a pale purple house. This must be it. I grabbed 2 of my boxes and the taxi driver grabbed 5 more and carried them and place them at the door and walked back to the taxi. I heard the engine start and the taxi drove away. I am only 15 and have my own house...well my mum pays for the rent and all the bills, so one thing off my chest. I took an amulet out my pocket. I remember sky giving me this before the attack...I barley remember...wow. I put the amulet around my neck. I got my keys out my pocket and fiddled with the door. After what seemed like forever the door opened. I walked in the whole house was furnished! Wow. I am guess my mum did this cause it is all purple and white. I love it! I walked into the kitchen and dining area. Massive! The living room had a gigantic TV and a purple couch and a white coffee table. I ran upstairs, 3 bed rooms, 1 bathroom. I looked and saw a door with a poster saying APHMAU on it. That must be my room. I opened the door and this is what I saw.
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"WOW!" I yelled. So pretty! I love it! I walked into 1 of the spare rooms and saw two computers, a mic, a camera and a spinning chair all set up! Maybe I could start a YouTube channel...dunno. I walked into the other spare room and it was just empty. Nothing in it. I walked back into my room. I started unpacking my boxes. I put my poster of Levi on the wall. I then decorated my windowsill with all my anime figures. I unpacked all my clothes and looked out school uniform for tomorrow. I got my back ready and sat it at the bottom of the stairs. I grabbed my phone. 1 message from mum: M= do u like ur new home? A= OMG YES THNX MUM! M= Good. Remember school tomorrow! A=okay, bye mum. M= night aphmau. -end of texts-
I checked the time. 6:30pm. I went downstairs. I looked in the cupboards. No food. I have time to go to the shop if I can find one. I put some shoes on and headed out the door. I locked it behind me. I started walking down the road when I saw a boy with a red hoodie up ahead. I ran up. "Hi!" I said. "Er hi?" He said. "My names aphmau I just moved in down the road." I said as I pointed to the pale purple house. "I am Aaron." He said." So you going to Phoniex drop high?'' "Yep! Do you go?"I asked. "Yeah. This is my last year tho." He said. "I was wondering where's the nearest shop?" I asked. "Oh it is just down the road. I am going too"he said. "Wanna walk together?" I asked. "Okay?" He said. We started walking down the road and in a couple of minutes I saw the shop come into view. Then I looked at Aaron in the eye. One of his eyes were going red. Should I say anything? "Hey Aaron?" I asked. "Ugh..yeah?" He said. "What's up with your eye?" I asked. He tapped it and it went back to normal. "Nothing just a bit crap...I need to see a doctor"he said. We continued walking and we were there in like 2 minutes. We walked into the shop. Aaron walked away. Okay then...he seems fine, I guess? My phone beeped it was fc. Fc: hey shu what's up? Shu: nothing much. Shopping. Fc: same here lol. Shu: haha okay talk later bye. -end of message-
Shu was what I used as my internet name while I played online games. I walked to the pasta aisle. Pasta? Yeah why not? I grabbed spaghetti and some tomato sauce and meatballs. What else do I need?I walked around the shop grabbed the usual stuff like bread, ham, butter, milk, biscuits, drinks for packet lunches and other food. I got everything and went and paid. I went out the shops and started walking home. -tem skip to when aphmau arrived home-
I unlocked the door, went in and locked it behind me. I placed the food on the counter and started unpacking. I made dinner and then I made lunch for school tomorrow. I grabbed my plate of spaghetti and meatballs and sat down at the table and ate. After I finished I got my school bag ready for school and headed up to bed.
-time skip to morning-
BEEP, BEEP! My alarm....6:30am I have to be at school by 8:30am. Okay I can do this. I got dressed and sorted my hair out. FABULOUS! I headed downstairs and made pancakes. 7:30am I need to leave at 8:00am so I can get my schedule. I ate my pancakes and cleaned up. I got my schoolbag, lunch bag and phone. I left the house and locked the door and started walking to school....