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-aphmau POV-

"So aph, how long you lived in Phoniex drop?" Sky asked as we were walking home.
"About 2 days!" I said.
"Seriously?!" Said red.
"Yep. What about you?" I asked.
"This will be our second year in Phoniex drop high. We came at the beginning of freshman year." Max explained.
"Oh. I went to a high school for a year in windy woods where my mum works. So yeah I am in my second year too" I explained. I saw my house come into view.
"So do you have any adults that live with you?" I asked.
"Nope!" Barney said.
"HEY LOOK ITS HOME!"Ross yelled pointing at the house across the street from mine.
"And that's my home!" I pointed at the pale purple house.
"Hey aph, wanna hang at our house for a bit?" Max asked.
"Yeah! Why not?" I replied.
We all walked into their house. It was massive!
"Okay let me give you a tour! While Ross makes food!" Said sky.
"Yei, I will make a feast!" Said Ross.
"And I will help!" Max added. Ross blushed.
"Awwww mithross!" Said sky.
"COME HERE YA GIT!" Max yelled.
"Nuuuuuu!!!! Aphmau help!!!! AAAA" Sky yelled.
"Okay!" I grabbed Max and pulled him into a hug. "Got him!"
Max blushed like crazy. I blushed. Ross growled a bit but then started doing love heart shapes with his hands.
"Maxmau!" Ross yelled.
I let go of Max. Max passed out.
"Oh my god! I am so sorry!" I said.
"He loves you!!!!" That's why he passed out!" Red said.
"Noo he loves Ross!" I said. Ross growled at me. I giggled.
"Wait so who you all dating?" I asked.
"Well red and Barney are dating!" Sky said.
"No way! REDNEY?" I said.
"Yep!" Barney pecked reds cheek. Red blushed.
Wait Max....is on the floor! I forgot!!!
"we should probably put Max in his room." I said.
"Yep." Sky said.
I grabbed Max's top half and sky grabbed his legs. Max's jumper went up. DAMN HE HOT AF!!!!!!!! SO SMEXY!!! OMG!!! I blushed not knowing what to do.
"Aphmau your bright red." Sky said.
"Oh am I?" I said. Trying to hide it. Sky opened a door with a NO ENTRY- max sign on it and at the bottom it said: COME IN- Ross. Wow it's so tidy! We placed Max on the bed closet to the window. Done. I pulled the sheets up covering Max...he is so cute! No aphmau no crushing on Max!
"FOOOOOOOOODDD!!!!" Ross screamed.
Max jerked up.
"WHAT? WHAT HAPPENED? Oh hi aph..." Max said.
"Hi!!!" I said blushing and giggling.
Max looked down and noticed his whole jumper had flew up. He blushed.
"Let's go get food!" Said sky grabbing me by the hand.

-Max pov-

I woke up. I saw aphmau sitting at the edge of my bed blushing.
"WHAT? WHAT HAPPENED? oh hi aph!" I said.
"Hi!" Aph said. She was still blushing and giggling. I looked down my whole jumper had flew up! I blushed and pulled it down.
"Let's go get food!" Sky said while grabbing aph and pulling her to the kitchen. I got out my bed and followed. Everyone was sat on the couch with a plate. I grabbed one and sat beside aph.
"So what homework has everyone got?" I asked.
"We all have to draw something of our choice for art class" red said.
"I have to read Midnight: a story between a swan and a vampire." Said aph.
"Same here." Said Barney.
"I have to study algebra!" Red said.
"Ugh same. WHAT EVEN IS ALGERBRA?" Ross asked.
"It's math Ross, jeez!" Red said.
"Yep. I have algebra too!" I said.
"I have to write a creative story. I ain't doing it!" Sky said.
Jeez what the hell is wrong with sky? I mean he is a great friend but still! It's because all the teachers fear Skyarmy! Sometimes it's good but sometimes it is bad cause I can't even imagine what it would be like if they treated us normal! Even if I left they would still treat me the same. Well atleast aphmaus here now. I really missed her. We chatted for another like 40 minutes. Aphmau got up.
"I should be heading home, we all have school tomorrow!" She said as she walked to the door.
"Atleast let me walk you home!" I said.
Damn it Max why?
"Sure!" Aphmau said, wait seriously! Wait do I like aphmau...I think I have a crush on her. We walked out the door and across the road.
"Hey thanks Max." She said as we arrived at her house.
"No problem." I replied.
She leant over and kissed me. I blushed. She ran inside.
"Wait aph..." I stopped. I walked across the street and walked into the house. They all looked at me. Shit they saw.
"So what's with you and aph?" Sky said he looked like he wanted to kill me.
"Nothing! Look she kissed me! It's not my fault you have a crush on her!" I yelled at sky.
"STILL! FOR FUCKS SAKE MAX! I LOVE HER! I ALWAYS HAVE! HAVE YOU NO!" Sky yelled running to his room.
"WELL MABYE I HAVE!" I ran into Ross and my room. Red ran after sky.
I sat on my bed. I started crying. Ross walked in.
"Hey buddy..." he said.
"LEAVE ME!" I yelled.
Ross looked like he was going to cry.
"It's my room too." He said.
I got up and grabbed some clothes, schoolbag, pjs and left the house. I messaged Shelby:
M: can I spend the night at yours?
S: Yah, what's up?
M: I tell u when u get there, on way.

I know I can trust Shelby. She goes to a different school not Phoniex drop. Shelby has been like a sister to me my whole life. I walked down the road and chapped on her door. She answered.
"OMG Max, you have been crying!" She said.
"No shit Sherlock!" I said, she giggled.
"Come in and tell shubble everything!" She said.
I walked in and sat on the couch. I explained in all.
"Oh and I think I have feelings for aphmau..." I paused. I thought for a while. I really hate sky...but when we argue I feel kinda happy, he is pretty cute. Wait! What? I hate everything about him! WHY DO I LOVE HIM? But I love aph! Awww fuck! Wait I like girls and boys? Well apparently I am bi now!
(A/n I know this is like not how it works but it is fanfic so screw reality!)
"Shelby? I like aphmau and sky!" I said.
"Wait your bisexual too?" She asked.
"Yeah, I guess!" I said.
"Anyway I need sleep." Shelby said.
"Same here" I said.
I went go change and fell asleep on the couch. I love them both....but who?

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