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-reds POV-

I put on a pair of black swim trunks, then I put a Hawaiian shirt on. It's a beach! I have to look the part! I heard a knock at the door. CAMERON!
I ran to the door. I unlocked it and Cameron walked in.
"Hey cutie." He said.
"Hey!" I said.
He hugged me and kissed me, I playfully punched him.
"Heeeyyy!" He grinned.
"Let's go?" I asked.
"Yeah." I said, I grabbed my backpack off the side. It had my phone and wallet, also a change of clothes and of course a towel. I followed Cameron out. I locked the door behind me. We went into the lift and walked out the door, I saw an old two door corsa. That must be Cameron's car! He walked right passed it and across the road to the Lamborghini parked. He got in the drivers seat. I stood there.
"WAAAHHHHHH?" I asked.
"It's nothing..." he grinned. "Now get in."
I clambered in the passengers seat. He turned the engine on. He started driving.
"So red. What's your deal?" He asked.
"What you mean?" I asked.
"I mean. Past." He said.
"Well it's.... nothing." I stopped.
"Soooo, are you into like guys or girls? Or both?" He asked.
"Guys. You?" I asked.
"Guys. Even though all the girls crush on me. I like guys." He said.
"Nice." I said.
We pulled up in a carpark. I climbed out. I saw the beach. AMAZING!
"Woooowww!" I screamed.
Cameron grabbed my hand and pulled me down the shitty wooden stairs. We walked into a small beach area, the sand was white and spotless. The ocean spread out around us. I smiled. Cameron placed a towel down, he ripped off his shirt.
"Swimming?" He asked.
I blushed red.
"Your sooo...." I said. I stopped myself.
"Ripped? I know." He grinned
"Yeah. Also let's go swimming." I smiled.
"Wait you need to take off your shirt." Cameron grinned.
I froze. Then I felt it being unbuttoned. I looked at Cameron. He kept unbuttoning it. I blushed.
"Let's go!" I said.
We walked to the ocean. He dived in. I did too.
We swam out.
"Race ya back!" He smiled.
I nodded and started swimming then he zoomed ahead. Then I felt something pull on my ankle. I tried to untie it. I couldn't it was like seaweed or metal?
"CAMERON! HELP!" I screamed.
He was too far in. Ugh!
I felt the metal thing rubbing against my food. I noticed blood was coming out my ankle. I panicked, my uncle explained how sharks.... wait shit!
I looked down to get my foot out. Then I noticed a shape. Wait is that a fin? It is that.
Cameron looked over finally.
"I AM COMING RED!" He screamed.
I saw Cameron dive in and swim. He zoomed towards me. The fin was growing closer.
Cameron stopped and dived under, I felt him untangle something off my ankle. He swam up.
"GRAB ON TO ME! NOW!" He screamed.
I grabbed on his back. He swam, I went along. The fin disappeared. He pulled me onto the white sand. I lay there. He lay beside me.
"You okay?" He asked.
"Yeah, my ankle is a bit sore. That's it." I said.
He looked at my ankle.
"Small cut, not deep. Might leave a scar. It's gonna bruise. But all in all you will be fine!" He grinned.
"Well Cameron. Tonight has been awesome!" I said.
He looked at me.
"I enjoyed it with you too. I know that I barley know you red but. Wanna go to prom with me?" He asked.
"What?" I froze. I do like him, but I also like Johnathon and Dylan! DAMN IT!
"Could I have a bit more time?" I asked.
"Yeah! Sure. Anyway let me drive you home." He said.
We walked back up the wooden stairs and into his car. He drove me back. I got out. So did he.
He walked over. And kissed me! I kissed back. He ruffled my hair. We broke apart.
"Message me later k?" He said grinning.
"Okay!" I said.
I walked in. I waved at Cameron, he grinned and waved back.
I went back up to the apartment. I saw my uncle in the kitchen.
"Heyyyy red!" He smiled.
"Hey! What ya doing?" I asked.
"Going to bed!" He laughed.
"I should too. Sorry for coming in so late." I said.
"It's okay. Night red." He smiled.
He walked into his room. I walked down the hall to mine. I sat on my bed and pulled out my phone. I message Dylan first.
R: hey Dylan?
D: hey red.
R: u busy this Sunday?
D: no why?
R: well I am going to see some friends and I was wondering if ya wanna come?
D: yeah neat.
R: I will pick you up before we leave and all that.
D: Awesome! I can not wait!
R: same! See you tomorrow at school.
D: see you.

I left the chat and messaged Johnathon.
R: hey!
J: hello red.
R: are u busy on Sunday?
J: right now, no why?
R: wanna come visit some old friends with me?
J: sure.
R: I will pick u up. On Sunday. See u tomorrow at school.
J: okay, night red.

I left that chat and messaged Cameron.
R: heeyyyy
C: hey cutie, how ya holding up?
R: good, ankle is good.
R: u busy on Sunday?
C: no why?
R: wanna come visit my friends with me?
C: sure. Pick me up?
R: yep. See you at school tomorrow!
C: see ya cutie.

I put my phone on my bedside table.
Good. I will phone Aphmau in the morning. Now sleep....

A/n HEEYYYY GUYS! WHERE ALL MAH READERS AT THOOOOO?!?! Anyway so I wanna know who yall ship red with. I will also be giving shoutouts soon for the best ship names! COMPETITION PEOPLE NOW COMMENT!!! 

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