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-reds POV-

Dylan grinned at me as I gave him my number.
"Hey, so let me take you to your class." Dylan grinned.
"Okay!"I said.
He grabbed my hand and dragged me up like 10 stair cases. Then we stopped.
"This is math! I will meet you here after to help ya around!" He smiled.
"O---okay!" I smiled.
"Bye red!" He waved.
I waved back blushing. I felt an arm wrap around my waist. I kicked whoever it was in the shins, I turned around and saw a boy, short ruffled hair, blue eyes. I slapped him.
"HEY! WHAT THE HELL!" I screamed.
"Owwwww, Jesus!" He screamed.
"Why did you do that?" I asked.
"Your cute!!! And I am a Casanova! And you can not like that Dylan!" He said.
"Wait! What? I barely know you, or Dylan!!!" I screamed.
"You were blushing your head off." He said.
I stared at him.
"Wait, sorry, we got off on the wrong foot. I am Cameron. What bout you?" He said.
"Red." I huffed.
He pulled my phone out my hand and typed something in.
"See ya later red!" He smirked.
He walked away, I looked at my phone he typed his number in, and his name Cameron. I smiled, ugh! I kept the number. I walked into class. The teacher looked up, he was young. Probably a trainee. Eh.
"Well hello!" He said as he pushed up his classes.
He had scruffy light blue hair, green eyes, he was tall very tall. He was wearing a jumper and a pair of jeans.
"Hi! My names red, I am new here." I said.
"Well my names Johnathon, I am a teachers aid, senior"he smiled.
"Well, at least your not a teacher!" I chuckled.
"Yeah, so red you said your new here, why did you move here?" He asked.
I paused, remembering everything. No, no. Why?!?
"Errr, just stuff. It's not the easiest to explain." I said.
He pulled out a piece of paper, he lifted up my chin, he stared into my eyes.
"Well I hope we can maybe have a chat, get to know each other more red." He said as he stared into my eyes. I felt his arm drift down my back and into my pocket.
"Call me." He smiled as he turned to leave.
"Red." He smiled.
The door slammed behind him.
What just happened? Oh god! He is so damn cute, wait fuck. Shit. Damn it! ARGH! Wait do I like three different guys that I barely know?!?! I head the door open and I looked up.
"Hello! You must be red. Johnathon said he just met you." He smiled.
"Yes, he is very nice." I said blushing.
"Well, I am Mr. Couch." He said.
"Nice to met you." I said.
"Red you will be sitting up the back. And the rest of the students should be here soon." He smiled.
I walked up the back and to a desk. I slipped my bag underneath my desk. I got my phone out and typed Dylan's number in, same with Johnathon's. I already had Cameron's in. My phone was ringing. It was Aphmau. Ugh.
I looked mr. Couch has walked out. I answered.
"Hey? Red? Red?" She said.
"Hi." I said down the phone.
"Omg red! Ross and sky. There in hospital." She said, it sounded like she was about to cry.
"Aphmau....Barney told me. Please please keep him away from sky, please. I really do not want him to hurt sky as much as he hurt me." I said, tears started to form.
"Red, I will. Wait, sky and Ross are coming home on Saturday, would you mind coming here on Sunday? Bring a new friend or 2 or 3 or how many you want no more than 5 though." She smiled.
"Okay, what time?" I asked.
"1pm." She said.
"Okay, well I will see you in 3 days." I said as I hung up.
I sighed as I put my phone away. Students slowly filled the empty seats. A girl with long blonde hair sat next to me.
"Hey! My names Ainsley, first rule do not talk to me, do not touch any of my stuff or me. Go it? Also do not get any ideas. I hate humans." She said.
"I won't get any ideas, cause I like human, mostly guys." I grinned a bit.
"Good. Now shut it." She said.
I looked to the front of the class. Mr. Couch stared math.......

-Jess POV-

Red hung up. I shoved my phone away as I walked into art. I sighed, tears dripping down my face. I felt a hand on my back. I looked around.
"Aaron?" I asked. He is in my werewolf club. He did not really talk, he always got on fights.
"Aphmau, are you okay?" He asked.
"Yeah why?" I lied.
He stared at me, his deep brown eyes stared right in to mine. He wrapped me in a hug.
"I barley know you, but I am here for you Aphmau." He said.
I smiled at him.
"Thanks." I said smiling.
He gripped my hand as we walked into art. We are the alphas of the school even though I am not a werewolf, I don't think Aaron is either. I sat beside him as the lesson started.

-sky's POV-

I opened my eyes, I looked around. I was hooked up to about 5 machines. I looked around for Ross. Anyone.
"ROSS!" I screamed. No reply.
I looked around. He's not in the same room as me. Wait where am I? I saw a person a nurse, walk over to me.
"Where am I?!?!" I squealed.
"Hospital." She replied.
"Where Ross?" I asked panicking.
"He is in surgery." She said.
Wait what?
I sat up, then I felt a pain in my back and I fell back down. I screamed.
"Sir please relax." She asked.
I nodded and leant back.

-Ross POV-

My eyes fluttered open, there were doctors around me, beeping, machines. Then reality hit. Everything that happened. I started panicking. Then I felt something cover my mouth then I fell asleep.

-reds pov-

It was lunch now. I was walking with Dylan.
"So ya made any friends?" He asked.
"Yeah, Cameron and Johnathon." I said.
He growled a bit.
"Nice." He said through gritted teeth.
"Hey! I was wondering, want to meet up at starblocks after school?" I asked Dylan.
"Yeah! Sounds neat." He smiled.
He looked at his phone.
"CRAP! I have band practice, sorry red! See ya later?" He asked.
"Yeah!" I said smiling.
He smiled and walked away. I walked into the bathroom and washed my hands and splashed some water on my face when I felt arms around my waist, I looked in the mirror and saw Cameron.
"Hehehe, I can't stop my self." He grinned. He grabbed my butt. I slapped him.
He rubbed his cheek.
"Okay, I have learned not to mess with red." He grinned.
"I was wondering, if you want to meet me at the beach later? 9pm?" He asked grinning.
"Yeah. Sounds cool." I replied.
"Okay text me your address later and I will come pick ya up?" He asked.
"Yeah. Cool." I said.
"Anyway I should get going, need to go get some stuff, see ya later." He said grinning.
I nodded. He walked out. I looked in the mirror, I heard a door unlock and I saw Johnathon stepped out.
"Hello red." He smiled as he washed his hands.
"Hey," I smiled.
"So I was wondering, ice cream later? There is a new place opening." He said staring into my eyes.
"Yeah." I said.
"I will send you the address later. Meet you there at 5:30?" He asked.
"Yeah!" I said smiling.
He lifted up my chin,
"See ya later red." He grinned as he walked out.
Well that me scored 3 dates.
Damn was my uncle right.

A/n thanks for reading chapters on the way!!

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