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-aphmau POV-

After a 20 minute walk I finally made it to school. I walked in and everyone was starting. Now where's the office? I looked around. I saw a boy with black hair...that looks like Aaron? Maybe he could help me.
"Hey!" I walked up and said.
"Er I do I know you?" He said.
"Yeah, we met last night, I am aphmau!" I said, he is joking right?
"Naw don't know you" he said.
"What?!" I said. He just walked away.
"Idiot..." I muttered under my breath. I felt a slight buzz in my pocket...it was the amulet. I remember sky told me it would vibrate if I was near him...I looked around...no one that looked like him...he probably would not remember me anyway. I walked around trying to find the office and then I found it.
"Hi, I an here to pick up my schedule!" I said.
"Name?" The lady asked.
"Aphmau Phoniex!" I said.
"Ah here you go." She handed me a schedule.
"Thanks!" I walked away.
Now where's home room? I looked on my schedule, room 105. I looked around, I saw it. I heard the bell ring and I ran to the class.  Ha! I am not going to be late! I walked in. I saw a teacher and 2 other students.
"Hi!" I said as I walked in.
"Oh hello, just take a seat, everyone is on there way hopefully" the teacher said.
After a minute everyone walked in.
"Alright class! My name is Mr. Curry and today I will let you all get to know each other a bit!" He said, he sat down.
I saw two girls 1 with blue hair, 1 with pink and cat ears and a tail. I walked over.
"Hi, my names aphmau!" I said.
"I am Katelyn!" The blue haired girl said.
"Kawaii~Chan's name is Kawaii~Chan!" The pink haired me'fwa said.
We all chatted for a bit then the bell rang, I have their phone numbers! 2 New friends! Yeah!!! Now let's see math...
-time skip to lunch-

I walked into the lunch hall and looked around. I saw Katelyn and kc. I went over and sat down with them, then my amulet started up again. Maybe they might know?
"Hey do you know a sky?" I asked.
"You mean sky? The leader of  Skyarmy?"  Katelyn asked.
"Yeah!" I said.
"Oh stay away from him and his gang. Him, Barney, Max, red and Ross." Katelyn said.
"Yeah there mean!" Kc squealed.
"Oh..." I said. GOD DAMN THIS AMULET! IT KEEPS BUZZING. I looked around and I saw a crowd. All screaming and staring at the wall. I walked over and posted through the crowd, I saw a the word SKY on a golden ingot graffiti on the wall. Wait that means he is near. I walked into the centre of the crowd. I looked for sky, red, Barney or ross. I saw the crowd move as people walked in. I looked.
"SKY?" I yelled.
"Aphmau!?!?!" He said.
"Yes! Oh my god I MISSED YOU!" I said. He hugged me.
"Same to you!" He said.
"Aphmau?" Red, Barney, Max and Ross yelled.
"RED! BARNEY! MAX! ROSS!!!" I yelled.
Everyone just looked.
"Let's go talk." I said. We were leaving the cafeteria when I heard someone shout my name.
"APHMAU DON'T TRUST THEM!" Katelyn yelled.
"Why not?''I replied.
"Cause they are Skyarmy!" She said.
"Okay bye!" I said as I walked out with Skyarmy.
We walked to the library.
"So how did you all survive the attack?" I asked.
"We all ran...here!" Sky said.
"Oh..." I said.
"Wait aph you have a phone?" Red asked.
"Yep!" I said.
"Can we all get your number?" Red asked.
"Yeah sure!" I said. I gave them my phone number.
"Thanks!" Red said.
Sky looked at me and touched my neck, he pulled the amulet out.
"You kept it..?" He asked.
"Yep, I love it!" I said.
"Wow...!" He said.
We all sat and ate our lunch. Then the bell rang.
"I have art what about you?" I asked them.
"ART!" They yelled together.
"Yayyyyy!" I yelled. I looked at my schedule... I have werewolf class and club tomorrow?! Sky looked over.
"So your a werewolf?" He asked.
"No! Why am I doing werewolf class?' I said.
"Same!" Red said." And I am not a werewolf!"
"Well atleast I have someone I know!" I said.
"Yeah!" Red said.
"Wait art started 5 minutes ago..."I said.
"CRAP!" Max and ross yelled.
We all ran to room 207.
"Sorry!" I said as we walked in.
"The teacher looked scared as soon as Skyarmy walked in.
"It's fine take your seats!" He said.
We went and sat at the back.

-time skip to after class-

The bell rang school over!
"Hey aph! Where you staying?" Sky asked.
"Err, 21 dankmeme street!" I said.
"We all stay at 18 dankmeme street across the road!" Red said.
"Wait your house is the big purple one?" Max asked.
"Yeah!" I replied.
"Who you share with?" Barney asked.
"No one. I live a lone!" I said.
"Lucky...we all share!" Ross said.
"Yep. Red and Barney share a room, Max and Ross share a room and then I get the small room!" Sky said.
"Neat! Wanna walk home?" I asked.
"Yeah sure!" The all said.

We started chatting and walking home..

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